Ascension Basics

Ascension Basics Articles

ascension basics

Seven Basic Chakras
Chakra System and Light Body Basics

3D to 5D Ascension:
Ascension Stages : 3D to 5D : Duality to Oneness

Listing of Dimensions
Road of Ascension : A Map of Consciousness

DNA Activation/Light Upgrades:
What is Ascension? : Steps, Symptoms, Leveling Up

Chakras and the Kundalini:
The Ankh : Ascension and Descension : Dark Night to Christ Consciousness

The Body’s Transformation:
Physical to Light Body to Crystal : The Body’s Ascension from 3D to 8D


Central Channel Alignment

Basic Meditation:
Counting Breaths Meditation

Emotional Healing Techniques:
Emotional Body and Intuition : Emotion Healing Techniques

Kundalini Rising : Central Channel Alignment

Breathwork and Spirit : Throat Chakra Opening Exercises


As Within So WithoutSelf Love:
As Within, So Without: Love Yourself, Love the World
By Karen Neverland

“Our external world is a reflection of our internal world. We interpret and project a world on the outside that we believe on the inside. For many of us, this means a world of suffering and hardship.

As Within, So Without: Love Yourself, Love the World is a philosophy that explains how loving ourselves transforms the world. This book draws from spirituality, science, religion, and psychology to form a simple theory on how we can delve in and heal ourselves. When we experience Unconditional Love within, we experience it without. When we truly love ourselves, we truly love the world.”