Emotional Body and Intuition : Emotion Healing Techniques

emotional body
Emotional Body Healing and Intuition

Cleansing the emotional body is an essential part of Ascension. We cannot move into greater power still ruled by our mundane emotions. It’s not that we stop feeling as we rise in frequency, but emotions take on an entirely new purpose as we learn to use our Emotional Body for receiving Intuitive Guidance.

In 4D (associated with the Heart Chakra) we do immense clearing and purging of our Emotional Body, removing all past karma and obsolete programs. To move into the 5D way of living in Harmony, we must be pure hearted.

Clear Emotional Body = Clear Intuition. We feel the Knowing in our bodies and this is using the same system as the emotions. This is why the emotions must be stilled and cleared before we can use this system for real guidance, otherwise it will be clouded with ambiguous feelings and we cannot be a clear channel.


If we do not properly feel and release an emotion, it gets stored within the body vehicle for later processing (karma). We must release the emotions that are stuck inside of us, because they are dense and hold us down like anchors.

As we ascend, these dense energies naturally come up for clearing. Sometimes the Universe will use a “trigger event” to force us to release a stuck blockage in the Emotional Body. This means that something externally happens as a catalyst to bring up an old emotion and provide an opportunity to clear it. When this occurs, we usually find the emotion exploding out of us in forceful tantrum. If this happens, feel the emotion fully and allow it to clear. Stuck energy is leaving and we are dropping density. Allow.

Above all, never ignore your emotions. You are feeling them for a reason and they are valid. To ignore them or bottle them up just stores them in your Emotional Body for a later time, when they become even nastier than they were in the first place.

Emotional Clearing Techniques

We want to feel emotions, not act on them. Healing the emotional body removes us from the space of reacting to our environment, and frees us to act with consciousness.

The ego/monkey mind loves to hijack the Emotional Body and use it in its paradigm. Just feel your emotions without creating a reason for them. Feel how you feel until the wave swells and subsides. No explanation needed.

By doing our internal work with consciousness to clear and release emotions, we can release blockages in a much more graceful way than triggers. The following techniques release stuck emotions, so they can be cleared in the most gentle way possible.

Be ready for whatever arises, as they often bring up challenging feelings and past trauma. Know yourself and only do this work when you are really ready to face your demons, as they are hidden in your shadow for a reason.


thymus tapping

Any time you are struggling with an emotion, you can simply tap on your thymus to release. Tap with a rhythmic, gentle thump and breathe steady. You can tap hard or soft, whatever feels right to you. Sometimes I use my palm to really strike hard, while other times I tap with one finger in a gentle pulse.

Continue tapping until the emotional wave subsides.


Many of us have learned how to cry wrong… Not that there is anything “wrong”, but the way many of us cry is actually counterproductive to releasing the emotion. We tend to hold the emotion in, gasping or tensing up. This is what causes the emotions to get stuck in the first place.

To properly release emotions, breathe deep breaths and sigh/groan as you exhale. This will use the exhale to release the emotion from the body and bring quick relief from the internal agony that is caused from holding on to it. At first it seems strange to cry this way, but you will quickly become used to it and find it brings almost instant relief.

The sigh is the most important part. Get audible. You can also try speaking affirmations as you do it, such as:

“I love and accept myself.” *sigh*
“I allow this emotion to pass through me and release.” *exhale*
“I am ready to heal from this past trauma.” *groan*

Feel the entire emotion release out through your breath.


emotional freedom techniqueYou can find a lot of material on E.F.T. online. This technique teaches us to tap on the major meridians of the body, where emotions tend to get stuck or blocked.

Start by massaging the “tender spot” above the heart, then tap the following Meridians 3-5 times and repeat:

  1. Top of the Head
  2. Bone above the eyebrow
  3. Temples
  4. Bone underneath the eye
  5. Indent underneath the nose and above the lips
  6. Indent underneath the mouth above the chin
  7. Beneath the collar bones
  8. Thymus/Heart/Sternum
  9. Front of the ribs, below the breast
  10. Ribs under the arm
  11. Side of Thumb
  12. Pointer Finger
  13. Middle Finger
  14. Ring Finger
  15. Pinky
  16. Side of the Palm
  17. Inside of the Wrist

Do this for 15-20 minutes or until the emotion releases. You can focus on your breathing or speak out loud about whatever issue is bothering you. Continue to breathe big sighs, as in the previous exercise, to release the emotions that arise.


violet flameViolet is the highest frequency of visible light we can visualize. We can use this to transmute the shadow, karma, and emotions.

When an emotion gets hold of you, feel it, expand into it, and let the whole feeling overwhelm you. You are safe. You are secure. Visualize the Violet Flame surrounding your whole body, or the place where the emotion is most intense. This will remove all the emotional residue, release any blockages, release the trigger, and burn it all away in epic glory. This is what we call Transmutation of Emotions—emotional transformation.

Try speaking out loud:

“I call on the Violet Flame to remove any density that no longer serves. I release this energy back to the Infinite.”

Engulf your pain in the Violet Flame.


Wishing you all the best in cleansing your Emotional Body and opening up to higher and higher states of awareness.
Love, Wisdom, Power

–September 2, 2017

Jump to 5D : Anchoring New Grids

New Light

For the past week, we have been blasted with the 8D Gold Ray from the Sun–high frequency Light. It is exhausting and draining if you have not been experiencing this level of Light in your body. The purpose of bringing in this Ray is to obliterate the old, fragmented grids. It is a vibration so high that the low density stuff cannot stay stuck in place. Imagine sand on a speaker. The sand is jostled around as the sound waves vibrate. This is what is happening inside our bodies. All the low density (3D) is the sand that is jostled by the high frequency that comes in. (See end of the article for a video.)

Higher frequencies are less dense. This means that 5D Gaia is expanded from the 3D form. This is why it was necessary to form new grids. The other ones were not sufficient to support Gaia’s expanding Light Body.

New GridThis initial blast has short-circuited the old grids and they are in a state of collapse. Though little seems to change in our day-to-day life, everything is different. It feels different. Visualize this as a balloon covered in papier-mâché. The papier-mâché is hardened and formed (New 5D Grids) and now the balloon underneath (3D Grids) has been “popped”. We feel this as a jarring and destabilizing effect, but in truth, we are letting go of what no longer serves. Everything we need is within the new grid systems.

There is another influx coming, but we have a brief reprieve. This is a gift so we can detox everything that was shaken loose before the next blast. Anger, sadness, pain, and loss are all coming up for clearing. They have been stored in the body, weighing us down, but now they must be released. We experience them as they leave the body. Feeling these intense emotions is good, though it does not seem so in the moment. Get it all out. Do not judge yourself. If you need to scream in your car, do it. If you need to go back to bed and sleep for a whole day, do it. Listen to yourself and clear whatever arises. Do not be afraid. Your guides are working with you constantly.

Violet Ray and Transmutation of Karma

The Gold Ray was like bringing a candle into a dark room. All the dark and forgotten parts of ourselves got illuminated. Shadow aspects had a big spot light on them and it’s difficult to accept what we see in ourselves.

During this break between influxes, the planet is bathed in the 7D Violet Ray. The Violet Flame’s mastery is in the ability to instantly transmute lower densities into the higher. When we are detoxing karma and old wounds that existed in 3D, this Ray comes in for enhanced clearing.

In 5D Gaia, all is Pure and True. You cannot take 3D programs with you–they are too heavy. If you are struggling with this step of releasing the old, focus on the Violet Flame and visualize it burning off any heaviness or density that still exists inside of you. It can heal anything. The Violet Ray does not pass judgment. It is available even for the darkest and most vile among us. That is its Beauty. Understand that fact and you will be able to Forgive Yourself.

You can call on the Violet Ray to transmute your karma and core wounds. There is no reason to suffer anymore. We have all suffered enough. Avoid locking yourself into suffering because you think you need to work it off. That was the old system of karma that is being rewritten. You do not need to punish yourself, but in a Free Will world, you can absolutely lock yourself in that reality and get stuck there. Do not fear. All that is required is an earnest intention. Everyone is capable of this. Your own belief is your only limitation. Every being can make this Free Will choice, but it is a lot of work.

Releasing from 3D Gaia

In order to release yourself from the old grids, you must consciously withdraw your energy from them. This will be very easy now that they are in a state of collapse. Any soul fragments or energetic debris is just “floating” around, waiting for you to command it back to you. If you feel that you are still anchored or tethered to the old grid, just command out loud:

“I call all my selves and energy back to myself. I command my energy with mastery.”

Breathe, open your heart, and repeat. This will withdraw any energy that is still lingering in the old grids and pull it into yourself. These pieces will come back almost instantaneously now, whereas it used to take a long time.

You can also visualize your roots coming up from the 3D Earth or some other visualization to consciously withdraw your energy from 3D. Once you have done this you can re-anchor into the New Grid. Visualize your roots going down to the now crystalline core of 5D Gaia.

Time Re-Calibration

As we move into 5D Gaia, there are a lot of changes happening all at once–time blends, blurs, and fades entirely. This is difficult for the mind to comprehend and we can feel like we’re losing our sanity. Instead of experiencing things one at a time, we now experience things all at once in our consciousness. Then we have to let it play out in 3D and this is madness to the old mind programs.

This new awareness of multiple timelines and new senses can cause “overwhelm”, which is a state of shock, stress, strain, exhaustion, and system shut-down. You are perfectly safe. You are just re-calibrating. Focus on one thing at a time. It is really important that you stay grounded: meditation, hiking, walking, salt baths, etc. You can even just sit on the planet for awhile.

Try not to focus on what is happening in 3D. It is a distraction, albeit a painful one. You must detach from it. If beings choose to stay in the collapsing grid that is their Free Will choice and we must honor it. The only thing that keeps you stuck on that grid is the refusal to leave. If you want to leave, you will leave. Everyone is being prompted. Everyone has a Higher Self. Focus on your journey and let them focus on theirs.

These are all tools to assist you in making the jump to 5D. It has to be done with conscious intent. All that is required is that you make that choice for yourself. You have Free Will and we cannot force you into 5D.

You are on track and on time. It is never too late. New Earth waits with open arms to embrace your weary soul.

–March 30, 2017

7D Violet Ray : Ascension for the New Earth

Violet RayGaia is currently residing at 5D and ascending to 7D in the New Earth timeline. She is now consciously participating in her own ascension and this is what humans are now sensing as increasing sentience and awareness.

No one can stop the global ascension, since Gaia is her own being and has made this choice for herself. My mission is to bring an influx of Light to boost her ascension. She has requested assistance and we have arrived in response to her.

Violet FlameI am currently channeling the 7D Violet Ray, as a Column of Light, to increase its influence on Gaia. As a result, all beings on the planet who are open to receive can also access this ray.

The Violet Ray is a ceremonial ray of magic, alchemy, and transmutation. It bridges the “gap” between matter and spirit by renewing connection to Source. In a sense, it brings “Heaven on Earth.”

You can assist in this mission by meditating on the Violet Ray and the Violet Flame, which will assist you in dropping density and thereby raise your frequency to 7D+. Your participation assists Gaia and she welcomes your Love.

–December 23, 2016