Soul Alchemy : Return of Christ Consciousness

Return of Christ ConsciousnessDecember 21, 2016 was a special Solstice, as it marks the Union of Gaia’s Masculine and Feminine energies. What does this mean for the souls incarnated on this planet?

Individuation of a soul from Oneness is called Duality. The purpose of our descent into separateness is to become a unique consciousness, as opposed to the unified Oneness. Once we are individuated, our purpose as an individualized being is to connect back to Source. (This process is called Alchemy, Union with Source, Union of Opposites.)

The process of Union is the same for twin flames/beloved unions as it is with Source. In fact, they are the exact same energetically: Unification of the Masculine and Feminine channels. Gaia has completed this process and is just beginning to form the Third Energy of Christ Consciousness.

After Soul Alchemy and Divine Union takes place, we exist as both an individual and connected to All. This step is also called Christ Consciousness and what many have been working toward all year. It is the alchemical gold that each being finds on their personal journey and comes after immense energy initiations and purging of lower densities.

Gaia’s Union is why so many soul mates, twin flames, and beloved partnerships (i.e. Union with the Divine) are forming at this time. Gaia’s energies again support these unions.

This marks the return of Christ Consciousness on this planet, as the true purpose of Soul Union is to create the Third Energy (Trinity of Mother/Father/Child).

–December 30, 2016

7D Violet Ray : Ascension for the New Earth

Violet RayGaia is currently residing at 5D and ascending to 7D in the New Earth timeline. She is now consciously participating in her own ascension and this is what humans are now sensing as increasing sentience and awareness.

No one can stop the global ascension, since Gaia is her own being and has made this choice for herself. My mission is to bring an influx of Light to boost her ascension. She has requested assistance and we have arrived in response to her.

Violet FlameI am currently channeling the 7D Violet Ray, as a Column of Light, to increase its influence on Gaia. As a result, all beings on the planet who are open to receive can also access this ray.

The Violet Ray is a ceremonial ray of magic, alchemy, and transmutation. It bridges the “gap” between matter and spirit by renewing connection to Source. In a sense, it brings “Heaven on Earth.”

You can assist in this mission by meditating on the Violet Ray and the Violet Flame, which will assist you in dropping density and thereby raise your frequency to 7D+. Your participation assists Gaia and she welcomes your Love.

–December 23, 2016

Mission Statement

I am here to Create Beauty.

Welcome to my blog, devoted to the Global Ascension. I am here to bridge Heaven and Earth via Divine Union with Source.

As part of my mission in Gaia’s ascension, I will post updates for what is currently occurring on the planet, and how it may affect the collective. The content for this blog comes from Direct Experience with Gaia, Source, and Self–We are All One.

My purpose in giving these reports is only to assist you in your personal journey. You are a Sovereign Being and I am here as a lamppost until you rediscover your own Light.

I will strive for some regularity in my posts, but the information comes intuitively, as it is ready to be processed.

Thank you for your participation in the Global Ascension.

Harmony Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power

Karen Neverland

–December 21, 2016

Poem: The Neverland Star

I recorded a video performance of my poem “The Neverland Star” today in honor of the late Robin Williams. I wrote it in 2011 and it is a bit eerie how en pointe it is.

It is one of the poems from my book, Cosmic Breath. Thank you for your support. Never give up!

© Copyright 2014 Karen Neverland. All Rights Reserved.

Poem: Tribute To Gandhi

Gandhi said: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This poem is dedicated to that beautiful message of Truth.

Greenhouse Effect Open, SLC (2013)
“Tribute To Gandhi: Be The Change You Wish To See In The World” by Karen Neverland

This is one of the poems from my book, Cosmic Breath. Thank you for your support!

© Copyright 2014 Karen Neverland. All Rights Reserved.