What is Ascension? : Steps, Symptoms, Leveling Up

ascensionAscension is the natural raising (and lowering) of frequency. Everything in existence has a unique frequency that it resonates with. The atoms of a solid have a low vibration/low frequency. The atoms of a gas vibrate quick. The color red is slower than the color purple. As we raise in frequency, we are shifting our solid body into a lighter state. This is called the “Light Body”.

Everyone experiences their own unique path to Light Body. However, there are tried-and-true processes that many experience in some capacity:

1. Download: This is when we receive new Light Encodements. Light is information that the body, mind, and spirit can recognize and use. Light information comes to us in bulk and can be overwhelming. During this phase, the mind gets “foggy groggy”. Our whole being is focused on receiving this new information and reality gets a bit hazy. The more open to receive we are, the better. Sunlight, moonlight, and Nature greatly ease this step.

2. Install: After we receive the encodements, the body has to sleep to assimilate and install them. There are physical changes in the body and this is where people experience ascension symptoms associated with shifting/evolution. There can be pressure and tension from the moving of bones and opening of chakras, as well as stiffness, aches, fatigue, or grumpiness.

3. Level Up: When the current symptoms are cleared, our frequency peaks as we reach a new high point. The body has been upgraded and it comes with euphoria, super connectedness, new special abilities, and ecstatic joy. This frequency is not constant at first, but there are definite “platforms” of new highs, when we hit a new “level”.

4. Detox: After we “level up”, we drop density. The new intensity of the higher frequency shakes loose any toxicity to be released and cleared. This is when people experience the “sickness” type ascension symptoms. Phlegm, sore throat, nausea, anger, depression, and anything associated with clearing out toxins. This is the “death” of the old. Water and peppermint are strong healing during this step.

5. Integration: This is where we put into action all the things we learned in the previous four steps. Life will try to pull us down and get us to fall for our old pitfalls. Remember the high point of the Level Up and strive to maintain that level. We all make mistakes, so don’t worry. Just do your best to integrate the new wisdom and embody it.

6. Mastery: When we can hold our frequency without being pulled back down, we have mastered that level and are ready to start the process over at a higher octave. There used to be a delay here, but now it seems most are jumping right back in with step 1.

The point of this whole ascension is to experience Death of the Physical Body and Rebirth of the Light Body. You’ll hear people say “It’s a process.” You cannot rush these steps and they are executed with mastery by your Higher Self and Divine Team. Take it a day at a time. The only way out is through. Just keep breathing.

My intention in giving these steps is to aid your own ascension, by creating a foundation of understanding, so that you may discover your way. Sometimes you may experience multiple steps at once or skip others entirely. Don’t expect anything to be constant. It’s all shifting and evolving.


I offer personal guidance through the Ascension process. Check out my services if you would like one-on-one attention in your beautiful evolution.

–February 17, 2017

Saturn on the Galactic Center : Return of the Sacred Feminine

blackholeOn February 17, Saturn moves into a legendary conjunction with the Galactic Center at 26° Sagittarius. This is the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. You can imagine it is quite a force!

The Egyptians called the Galactic Center [GC] the “Womb of the Great Mother.” It is a symbol of the receptive, magnetic, and powerful nature of the Feminine polarity and is the reason so many are talking of the “Return of the Sacred Feminine.”

When celestial bodies align to the Galactic Center, it gives them a ‘magnetized’ property. Super charging them in a way. Enhancing them and making them shift, mutate, upgrade, evolve, or transform.

It is not entirely certain what will happen when planets align with the GC, but it is always extremely powerful. For example, Uranus was dancing around the Galactic Center in 1987, and that was the year of the Harmonic Convergence.  Saturn was last conjunct the GC in January of 1988, bringing an influx of Indigo Children and Starseeds.

When Saturn aligns with the Galactic Center, we will see major shifting in Time, Karma, and Laws. Time will bend and shift back and forth like a rubber band. This is why karma has been zeroed up to this point. These are powerful forces shifting the world in powerful ways. This is a major upgrade in frequency for Gaia.

This year, Saturn passes across the Galactic Center three times: forward, then retrogrades back, and then makes a final pass. This whole cycle is ramping up in strength already and will continue to grow until Saturn leaves Sagittarius in December.

There is an increase in psychic channels and events during this timeframe. Much is unknown. What is certain is that Love will guide you through. Do not be afraid. You know what to do when the time comes.

There is more than enough assistance on this planet for everyone. The Global Ascension is on track and on time. The perceived chaos is just the physical pieces rearranging fast and people are unable to cope with their radically shifting paradigms. If you are experiencing chaos, it is best to hold stillness as much as possible. Then you are the eye of the hurricane.

Many blessings on your magical year.

–February 5, 2017

Root Chakra Rewrite : New Earth Ascension

Many have damaged DNA or fractured Light Bodies, due to past trauma of the 3D Earth. This has kept people from grounding properly into the planet’s Earth Star Chakra, as well as feeling insecure and afraid.

At this time, the Root Chakra is undergoing a major overhaul. It is up for reprogramming, repair, recoding, and rewriting. Essentially, the new Root Chakra will be responsible for an entirely new set of rules and the old ones are phasing out.

Traditionally, this chakra was responsible for security, home, and safety. These functions are no longer necessary. “Home” and “Security” are feelings within. In the New Earth, we always feel at home and secure. This would make the Root Chakra obsolete. But of course, nothing is wasted. As you move into 5D, your Root Chakra is the first up for the new codes.

In the past, we stored our lineage and ancestral energy in our Root Chakra–Family Karma. The Root Chakra is tied to Saturn, the ruler of Time and Karma. However, this New Earth has new rules. Karma is nearly instantaneous. We learn from our mistakes almost as soon as we make them. We are responsible for any energy we put out and we are personally accountable for all of our actions.

Root Chakra upgrades may manifest physically as a change in location, new job, family or friend contracts playing out and ending, fatigue, fear, feeling lost, adrenal fatigue, or nervous system overload. Know that you are always safe. This chakra will go online and offline as it is upgraded. Feeling suddenly lost, unguided, and alone may also occur. Know that you are always taken care of and always safe. The more you relax into that energy of “home”, the faster this process will go.

To assist this chakra in its upgrade:

  • Sleep and drink water (More than usual)
  • Relax and meditate
  • Forgive past transgressions from yourself and others
  • Focus on Red: Wear red, eat red foods, etc.
  • Listen to drums
  • Be patient

Lastly, lack of grounding can make us feel a bit crazy and scattered. It feels like we don’t know what to do or where to go. Consciously ground the rays that are coming in. Visualize roots growing from your feet and down into the crystalline core of 5D Gaia. Consciously form your roots and connection to the earth. This will connect you to the Earth Star Chakra, which provides plenty of strength to keep you grounded as you ascend and upgrade.

–January 24, 2017

Summoning the Dragons : Renewing the Dragon Lines

Dragon LinesThe Dragon Lines are a living grid that surrounds the planet. There are “living dragons” in this grid that move around Gaia, assisting her. They currently serve the development of Gaia’s Light Body and she uses them as she needs.

Many Gridworkers across the planet have been actively creating grid points to renew this grid and the mission has been a success! The Dragon Grid now surrounds Gaia in 7D, though it is still in the process of becoming. It will continue to strengthen and grow as she ascends.

If you would like to assist in this mission, there is a lot that you can do to strengthen the grid:

  1. Put crystals in the ground and/or create a sacred space around your home or on the planet.
  2. Visualize a point in the sky and send Reiki/Universal Life Energy/Light/Love to it.
  3. Send Love into the planet’s crystalline core.
  4. Find your own unique way of serving the planetary grid.

Creating your own connection to the grid will allow a dragon to quickly visit your area on the Ley Line Super Highway. You can visualize them in the sky as giant wyrm dragons that move along the highways called Ley Lines. The dragons “live” at key points on the planet, but they can move everywhere at this time.

The dragons do not serve humans, but you can kindly request their assistance. They will choose whether or not to assist you, as they have Free Will, the same as all beings who live on Gaia. They are angelic beings residing above 7D and will not respond to malicious intentions.

***In the past, energy could be drawn by humans from the Dragon Lines. At this time, the grid is locked and energy cannot be drawn from it. Energy can only be given to it. Gaia may relax this restriction in the future, if she decides that humanity is mature enough.***

–January 10, 2017

Past Life Recall : Core Wounds and Amnesia

past life recallIn our lifetimes and explorations of 3D and below, many experienced extreme traumas that led to Soul Amnesia. Even within one life, people develop amnesia to block out difficult memories. This same amnesia from traumatic past lives can completely block awareness of who we are.

Unprocessed trauma is stored in the cellular memory until our Self decides we are capable of clearing it via direct experience (reliving the trauma until it passes from the body.) As Gaia rises in frequency, past life memories come back to us.

When amnesia first starts wearing off, some experience flashes of past lives, while others just feel pummeled by powerful emotions they cannot explain. Past life recall can be emotionally exhausting and requires a certain degree of soul development before your Self will even attempt the process.

Processing past lives is not all bad, but it is the nature of them to bring up the traumatic ones first. Those are the memories responsible for amnesia. There is no easy way to get through this. Hold presence through the emotions and let yourself feel them fully. Know and trust that your Self would not have brought it up if you did not have the strength to let it go.

After we clear the difficult memories, the amnesia lifts more and more and we remember beautiful memories. This can reveal our Life Purpose, Soul Groups (Indigos, Starseeds, Angelics, etc.), personal missions, personal truths, sense of Self, and more. These clearings eventually reveal our memory of Source and that we are All One.

Many have already been working on these memories and this will increase as Gaia’s Ascension continues. Her increase in frequency forces the trapped lower density energy to ‘break free’. Traumatic memories are at the forefront of these densities and anticipate these clearings to increase.

Know that for each difficult memory you clear, there is a wealth of miraculous memories waiting within you. Past life recall allows us to remember prior abilities we have trained and people we have known.

[Note: Just because we have had a past life with someone, does not mean they owe us anything, no matter what was arranged in previous lifetimes. We are all Sovereign Beings and everyone deserves their own experience of the past and present. In fact, these memories actually free us from those old soul contracts (i.e. relationship agreements, soul debt, vows, and oaths).]

We are all new in each moment. My purpose in mentioning past lives is to bring clarity to the discombobulating experience of retracing soul memories. It can be confusing and many will be doing this work in the coming year. Your guides are with you and you can do this.

The past is the past and we live in the present. Good luck!

–January 4, 2017

Soul Alchemy : Return of Christ Consciousness

Return of Christ ConsciousnessDecember 21, 2016 was a special Solstice, as it marks the Union of Gaia’s Masculine and Feminine energies. What does this mean for the souls incarnated on this planet?

Individuation of a soul from Oneness is called Duality. The purpose of our descent into separateness is to become a unique consciousness, as opposed to the unified Oneness. Once we are individuated, our purpose as an individualized being is to connect back to Source. (This process is called Alchemy, Union with Source, Union of Opposites.)

The process of Union is the same for twin flames/beloved unions as it is with Source. In fact, they are the exact same energetically: Unification of the Masculine and Feminine channels. Gaia has completed this process and is just beginning to form the Third Energy of Christ Consciousness.

After Soul Alchemy and Divine Union takes place, we exist as both an individual and connected to All. This step is also called Christ Consciousness and what many have been working toward all year. It is the alchemical gold that each being finds on their personal journey and comes after immense energy initiations and purging of lower densities.

Gaia’s Union is why so many soul mates, twin flames, and beloved partnerships (i.e. Union with the Divine) are forming at this time. Gaia’s energies again support these unions.

This marks the return of Christ Consciousness on this planet, as the true purpose of Soul Union is to create the Third Energy (Trinity of Mother/Father/Child).

–December 30, 2016

7D Violet Ray : Ascension for the New Earth

Violet RayGaia is currently residing at 5D and ascending to 7D in the New Earth timeline. She is now consciously participating in her own ascension and this is what humans are now sensing as increasing sentience and awareness.

No one can stop the global ascension, since Gaia is her own being and has made this choice for herself. My mission is to bring an influx of Light to boost her ascension. She has requested assistance and we have arrived in response to her.

Violet FlameI am currently channeling the 7D Violet Ray, as a Column of Light, to increase its influence on Gaia. As a result, all beings on the planet who are open to receive can also access this ray.

The Violet Ray is a ceremonial ray of magic, alchemy, and transmutation. It bridges the “gap” between matter and spirit by renewing connection to Source. In a sense, it brings “Heaven on Earth.”

You can assist in this mission by meditating on the Violet Ray and the Violet Flame, which will assist you in dropping density and thereby raise your frequency to 7D+. Your participation assists Gaia and she welcomes your Love.

–December 23, 2016

Mission Statement

I am here to Create Beauty.

Welcome to my blog, devoted to the Global Ascension. I am here to bridge Heaven and Earth via Divine Union with Source.

As part of my mission in Gaia’s ascension, I will post updates for what is currently occurring on the planet, and how it may affect the collective. The content for this blog comes from Direct Experience with Gaia, Source, and Self–We are All One.

My purpose in giving these reports is only to assist you in your personal journey. You are a Sovereign Being and I am here as a lamppost until you rediscover your own Light.

I will strive for some regularity in my posts, but the information comes intuitively, as it is ready to be processed.

Thank you for your participation in the Global Ascension.

Harmony Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power

Karen Neverland

–December 21, 2016