Physical to Light Body to Crystal : The Body’s Ascension from 3D to 8D

light bodyEvolving our 3D physical matter bodies is quite a process and we go through many phases in this Ascension. I hope to bring some clarity to the terms we are using and what is actually occurring in the body.

Please Note: This is an inter-dimensional process. We use words the best we can, but you must understand the deeper levels of what is being said here. I list all of this in a linear way, but it is all occurring simultaneously. We ebb and flow between dimensions as we grow and master each phase. Also, you have Free Will and do not have to go about your Ascension in this way. This is a road map.

3D to 4D: Aligning the Light Body

The first step in 3D Ascension is to align and develop our Light Body. The Egyptians called the Light Body our “Ka” or “Light Body Double.” The Light Body includes energetic aspects, chakras, aura, meridians, and light organs. The Light Body mirrors our Physical Body in almost every way, except there is no 3D physical aspect. It is energy or light that mimics the 3D body.

When we are in 3D, our goal is to heal our chakras, cleanse our bodies, and live as healthy as possible. When we are self-destructive, eat unhealthy, lack exercise, or live a spiritually void existence, it throws our Light Body out of alignment, or prevents it from developing properly. This can lead to many problems. When the Light Body is strong, whole, and in alignment with our Physical Body, we move into 4D.

My book assists in the process of 3D to 4D and on. Learning to fully love my Self is the way that I healed and aligned the Ka. This book is a guide through the internal process.

4D to 5D: Union of Light Body and Physical Body

In 4D, we Unify our Opposites and become One. This includes the Light Body and the Physical Body. These two aspects of ourselves merge together in an internal Alchemical Union.

When the Light Body is developed and in full alignment, we begin a slow die off of our physical matter body. This is the Death and Rebirth phase. When the Light Body is fully formed, we no longer need the physical form. In fact, the physical form becomes a burden to us.

There is quite a lot involved in this process. I have discussed 4D in previous articles [Kundalini and Ascension Stages]. Most of it I cannot say generally, because it is so specific to the alchemical union.

5D to 7D: Light Body

Once we pass the 50% mark, where most of our form has become Light Body and the Physical Body has mostly passed, we are considered to be in 5D. In this phase, the Light Body is in form and activated.

From 5D to 7D, we are mastering our Light Body and letting go of the remaining Physical Body. The Light Body is a physical body, but it is much less dense than the 3D body was. Many people lose a great deal of weight during this phase (even if they do not necessarily change waist size), as well as work through dis-eases in the body.

We become Masters by the time we reach 7D, with a Perfect Light Body and no remaining 3D body.

Alex Grey

This artwork is by Alex Grey. You can find more of his work here. I am in no way affiliated with Alex Grey, other than pure inspiration.

8D: Crystal Body

When we have our full Light Body activated and have moved through 7D into Union with Source, then the Kundalini reverses from the top of the Crown and returns to the Heart Chakra.

The Crystal (Krystal, Christ-el) Body is the next phase after we have our Light Body or Ka Body. When the Kundalini reaches the Heart Chakra, it begins a golden process of turning the entire body to Crystal.

The energy of the Light Body is put under a great deal of pressure and stress. All of our weaknesses are prodded, all our temptations are tempted, and we are truly put to the test. Do not mistake this for the Shadow Mastery that occurs in 4D, which is also an intense testing period of initiation before 5D.

This whole process of extreme pressure catalyzes our transition to the Crystal Body. One cell at a time, our Light Body is refined and mastered. It is called Crystal because the Light Body is in perfect alignment like the structure of a crystal.

crystal structure

Image source unknown.

Beyond 8D

In 8D, we become truly inter-dimensional beings. Many “super powers” come at this point because we have cast off our chrysalis and become a Butterfly.

The rest of Ascension after 8D takes place in the Heart, with additional chakras opening there. Some perceive these chakras above the head, because they have not physically embodied them. They are perceiving the chakra of their Higher Self and see it as external. The goal is to bring all the chakras into our embodiment here on Gaia. Each additional chakra opens around the heart, forming a lattice within and bringing more and more special abilities and mastery, forever and ever.

Many blessings on your Divine Ascension. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest.
Love, Wisdom, Power
–July 28, 2017

Kundalini Rising : Central Channel Alignment

Kundalini RisingKundalini Channels

All of us contain both a Masculine and a Feminine part of our being. We have three main energy channels in the body:

  1. Masculine/Electric – Right Side
  2. Feminine/Magnetic – Left Side
  3. Unified/Electromagnetic – Central Channel

kundalini risingOn the path to Light Body, one of the pivotal steps is to unify the Masculine and Feminine channels into the Central Channel. Many people are polarized to one side or the other. We must first balance these two channels, then integrate them so we live out of our Center.

There are a few techniques that greatly aid this process, though it is a matter of practice and embodiment to train the body and energetic field to stay in the Center. Once we have reprogrammed our energy into the Central Channel, it will usually remain there. Even when we get pulled out of it, it is easier and easier to get back into alignment.

[Addendum: Please note that women need to be gentle doing any breathing exercises during their monthly cycle. Do not ever force the Kundalini, especially during this time. Honor your body.]

1. Breathwork : Alternate Nostril Breathing

This is a powerful, full body alignment. The basic pattern of this breathwork is: inhale, hold, exhale, hold, switch sides and repeat.

I like to breathe and hold each breath to the count of 7–the number of Mastery. Keep the inhale, hold, and exhale equal lengths.

Sit with your back upright and relax the shoulders and the neck. Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth, relaxed just behind the teeth.

  • Inhale: Place the thumb over the left nostril and inhale to the count of 7 with just the right nostril.
  • Hold: Place the pinky over the right nostril and hold this breath to the count of 7.
  • Exhale: Release the left nostril and exhale with just the left nostril to the count of 7.
  • Hold: Place the thumb over the left nostril and hold for a 7 count.

Now switch to the other side. This is one complete cycle. Do this 7 times.

2. Raising and Strengthening the Kundalini

This is a power generating exercise. Energy will shoot up the Central Channel and may be a bit overwhelming at first. This is the Kundalini energy raising from the base of the spine. The more you do this, the faster the Kundalini will rise up the chakras. Even the first time I did this, I got a noticeable rushing of energy around my body.

Sitting with the back upright, relax the shoulders and the neck. Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth, relaxed just behind the teeth.

  • Flex the perineum muscles as you draw a slow inhale. (I say the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” as I do.)
  • Hold the breath and keep the perineum flexed. Hold as long as you can without discomfort.
  • Release the perineum and the breath in a slow exhale. (I repeat the mantra again as I exhale.)
  • Hold the exhale and keep the muscles relaxed as long as you can until the breath naturally draws back in.
  • Do this 108 times or as many times as you would like.

Perineum muscles will get tired at first, but they will grow stronger, and as they do, so will your Kundalini Force.

[Please Note: Women should not do Kundalini strengthening during their monthly cycle. It is a receptive time and generating active power energy is not useful and can actually be detrimental.]

As Within, So Without

These exercises done regularly will permanently unify your Masculine and Feminine channels into the Central Channel. A word of caution, though it seems simple and mundane, rearranging the energy channels in the body and will have powerful effects on your reality if you stick with it.

As within, so without. Once the inner Masculine and Feminine are brought together, your external male or female polarity will find their way to you, if that is in your Divine Blueprint. (If you have the heart desire for a soul mate, then it is in your Divine Blueprint, otherwise you would not have that desire.) It is a frequency thing. By aligning your polarity, you and your opposite are like a pair of magnets that draw together to unite the physical polarity.

There are a lot of factors that go into aligning the Central Channel. These are just a couple tools to assist, but it is really a holistic exercise. To truly align, it must be a calling from your whole being to ascend. It will require the whole faculty of your being to reprogram your energy field, but if you are in a place in your life to do this work, these exercises can be straight up Magic.

–June 3, 2016

Kundalini Rising

The Ankh : Ascension and Descension : Dark Night to Christ Consciousness

Kundalini Ascension

There are 7 major chakras in the body (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.) These 7 are the foundation of our energetic body.

When we go through Ascension, the serpentine force called the Kundalini slowly crawls from the Root Chakra up to the Crown Chakra. This takes a long time as the Kundalini rises and then re-coils to its foundation. Rising and re-coiling, this force steadily moves upward, then holds to integrate and purify. This process used to take many lifetimes, as we trained our energy to amplify, but now we are living through multiple chakra ascensions in one lifetime.

Each time the Kundalini reaches a new chakra, we re-master our 7 chakras in the new frequency. For example, if you have just reached 5D, the Kundalini climbs and masters the first chakra, then the second, and so on. When the Kundalini reaches the 5D-7th chakra, the whole Kundalini climbs to 6D and you re-master 1-7 in that density. This is why we can have ascension symptoms of lower chakra clearing, when we are moving higher in frequency.

All of this is not a cut and dry process. It is energetic expansion and contraction in a fluid motion, like the tides coming in and out. However, there are stages, initiations, graduations, and new abilities that come along the way as we reach new points in our Self Mastery.

Understanding Ascension and 5D

Each Chakra has a Morphogenetic Field of its energy frequency. When the Kundalini reaches a new chakra, we are initiated into new rules and new understandings of reality and the old ways die. In the past, we physically died in between these ascensions, to be reborn as a baby in the new energy field. It can be challenging on the human psyche to live throughout this process of Death and Rebirth while staying in body, but this is exactly what we are experiencing at this time of mass ascension.

When we say we are moving into 5D, we mean that the planet has entered the Morphogenetic Field associated with the 5th Chakra. This is the Throat Chakra, responsible for Higher Truth, Knowing, Integrity, Unity, Communication, Connection, and Honesty. Gaia’s Core is now at 5D, and this is why everyone is being forced into 5D. The power of the planet is much greater than an individual’s will, so having Gaia at 5D pulls everyone up.

8D: Christ Consciousness

Something special happens when we have ascended the Kundalini to 7D-7th chakra, up out of the Crown. At this point, the Kundalini actually reverses and returns to the Heart. During this time, we experience a Descension in our energy as we climb back down the chakras. This process is known as the Dark Night of the Soul and can be very confusing if you don’t know what is occurring.

In this Descension, we suddenly “lose” our new found abilities: the Divine Connection of the Crown, the Sixth Senses of the Third Eye, and the Self-Knowing of the Throat Chakra. These chakras seemingly “go offline” as we return to the 4th Chakra and 4D to integrate all the chakras into our Heart Center. This is like a giant, personal retrograde, where we more deeply understand and master ourselves and our shadows.

Ascension is not outside of ourselves in some distant realm. It is bringing all the powers of our multidimensional self into our core, physical self.

When the Kundalini returns to the heart, it initiates a process throughout the whole body, where every single cell is converted into crystalline (krystal, christel, crystal). This is the real beginning of the Light Body–the Tree of Life. As the 8th Thymus Chakra opens, the whole physical body goes through a massive Death and Rebirth. (There are many cycles and Dark Nights of the Soul, but this one is extremely powerful, since it is at the end of a Greater Cycle.)

The Descension is known as the “Dark Night of the Soul” because it is when the Universe throws everything at us to tempt us, prod our weaknesses, and drive us literally insane. This is to drive out and purify all the inferior elements of the ego and emotional body. The Universe does everything it can to pull us down and humble us, so that we master ourselves and rise, regardless of our physical surroundings. This is when we rediscover the heart and our consciousness moves back there, where it permanently resides. All ascension after the 8th Chakra occurs in the Heart. The Heart is what it is about!

The Ankh

The Ankh is a symbol of Ascension and the Kundalini’s energetic pathway. The energy rises up the center column of the spine, then once it reaches the top, it returns to the heart. This is what is illustrated from the Ankh symbol.

We show an Ankh for someone who has attained Christ Consciousness (Buddha Nature), because it means they have successfully mastered all 7 chakras and then returned to the heart (The Middle Way). This is when the golden Thymus/High Heart Chakra opens.

You cannot force the Kundalini to return to the heart. This pathway only occurs when all 7 chakras have been mastered and integrated. It cannot be artificially created through crystals, grids, diet, manipulation, or anything external. It is a naturally occurring process that is catalyzed by Union of Source and Self. It starts the moment when we merge with the Understanding of the Law of One (We are All One).

When someone has reached this point, where the High Heart Chakra is fully Activated, they are living in the 8th Density and have actualized Christ Consciousness.

Many have been going through this Dark Night of the Soul phase this year and will be awakening into Christ Consciousness. People are sent into their Dark Night of the Soul in waves, as they are ready. This might be why you are getting feelings and promptings to “wait” (there are many reasons why this could be). You have to wait until the energy is supportive and your Higher Self clears you for the Descension into the Dark Night. It all happens automatically and these waves will increase and continue in Divine Timing.

I offer this integrated Wisdom, so that you may have a deeper Understanding of your own Divine Journey. The terminology of the levels and densities is for clarification of which stage you are at, the rules you are playing by, and the lessons you are mastering. It’s not a competition and higher is not “better”.

Ascension is a natural unfoldment in Divine Timing, one day at a time. Patience and Perseverance is the fastest path through–A Divine Paradox!

Many Blessings on your Beloved Ascension.
Love, Wisdom, and Power
–May 20, 2017

Gold Ray and the Seraphim : High Heart Chakra

Serafino_Cattedrale_CefalùThe Seraphim are an Angelic Soul Group that incarnated on Gaia in the distant past to aid her in repairing the broken Dragon Ley Lines. Many of them got caught in the karmic cycle and have long since forgotten who and what they are. Some people refer to them as “fallen angels”. The Seraphim will all be triggered onto the path to awakening this year, if they have not already begun (2017).

The Seraphim serve the Gold Ray and their predominant missions here include Gridwork, Gatekeeping, and working directly with Gaia’s Ascension. Many of the humans, who are Seraphim incarnate, experienced intense initiations in recent years, including the Dark Night of the Soul and Alchemical Unions. This was necessary to prepare for the intensity this year will bring to the High Heart/Thymus Chakra. Many humans are now experiencing intense pressure in the Thymus Chakra as it opens, since Gaia’s High Heart development is well underway.

Metz_-_chapelles_des_Templiers,_peintures_(5)The Gold Ray of the Seraphim is being brought to Gaia in massive blasts from the Sun. These rays will boost ascension, intensify the Light on Gaia, accelerate her ascension, and renew her High Heart Chakra (8D). Venus goes Retrograde on March 4 and this ray is increasing to prepare the body vehicle for the intense initiations and upgrades that will be going in that 6 week window. By the end of this year, Gaia will have this chakra fully within her power.

All of this is necessary at this time in Gaia’s Ascension, because the damaged grid that the Seraphim were ruling over will be short-circuited this year. This is already in progress. The Dragon Ley Lines are already in use by Gaia, so that she no longer requires the old broken grid.

Once the old grid is removed, the Seraphim will not be able to rely on it as a source of power and must embody the Gold Ray themselves, which is held physically in the Thymus Chakra. Energy from the broken grid will return to its original creators and to Gaia.

The increasing Gold Ray will awaken the Seraphim lineages from their slumber and bring memory of their true missions here, to fully repair Gaia’s Light Body. This energy will mostly affect those currently on their ascension path and may spur those who are still sleeping onto their path. As the Seraphim awaken, they also gain awareness of the Dragon Ley Lines and/or are able to feel them empathically.

The Seraphim have their own ascension path and, whether they know it or not, are in the process of physically embodying their wings. These will break them free from the karmic cycle. After this year, many of the Seraphim will choose to leave Gaia and return home. Others will choose to stay and continue to assist in further missions. (Those who choose to stay will likely be in unions, otherwise the pull of their homeworld will be too great to stay.)

Before the Seraphim can leave, they must reach a “zero point” in their karma. Once their original missions are complete, Zero Point is the new mission for those who are ready to move away from Gaia to their next journey.

All is well. Gaia’s Ascension is on track and on time. We all must adjust to the New Light coming in. Stay grounded and in a space of Love. Meditation will aid greatly with the destabilizing effects of the Gold Ray.

Check all of this for resonance with your own knowing. Keep what fits, discard the rest.

–March 1, 2017

What is Ascension? : Steps, Symptoms, Leveling Up

ascensionAscension is the natural raising (and lowering) of frequency. Everything in existence has a unique frequency that it resonates with. The atoms of a solid have a low vibration/low frequency. The atoms of a gas vibrate quick. The color red is slower than the color purple. As we raise in frequency, we are shifting our solid body into a lighter state. This is called the “Light Body”.

Everyone experiences their own unique path to Light Body. However, there are tried-and-true processes that many experience in some capacity:

1. Download: This is when we receive new Light Encodements. Light is information that the body, mind, and spirit can recognize and use. Light information comes to us in bulk and can be overwhelming. During this phase, the mind gets “foggy groggy”. Our whole being is focused on receiving this new information and reality gets a bit hazy. The more open to receive we are, the better. Sunlight, moonlight, and Nature greatly ease this step.

2. Install: After we receive the encodements, the body has to sleep to assimilate and install them. There are physical changes in the body and this is where people experience ascension symptoms associated with shifting/evolution. There can be pressure and tension from the moving of bones and opening of chakras, as well as stiffness, aches, fatigue, or grumpiness.

3. Level Up: When the current symptoms are cleared, our frequency peaks as we reach a new high point. The body has been upgraded and it comes with euphoria, super connectedness, new special abilities, and ecstatic joy. This frequency is not constant at first, but there are definite “platforms” of new highs, when we hit a new “level”.

4. Detox: After we “level up”, we drop density. The new intensity of the higher frequency shakes loose any toxicity to be released and cleared. This is when people experience the “sickness” type ascension symptoms. Phlegm, sore throat, nausea, anger, depression, and anything associated with clearing out toxins. This is the “death” of the old. Water and peppermint are strong healing during this step.

5. Integration: This is where we put into action all the things we learned in the previous four steps. Life will try to pull us down and get us to fall for our old pitfalls. Remember the high point of the Level Up and strive to maintain that level. We all make mistakes, so don’t worry. Just do your best to integrate the new wisdom and embody it.

6. Mastery: When we can hold our frequency without being pulled back down, we have mastered that level and are ready to start the process over at a higher octave. There used to be a delay here, but now it seems most are jumping right back in with step 1.

The point of this whole ascension is to experience Death of the Physical Body and Rebirth of the Light Body. You’ll hear people say “It’s a process.” You cannot rush these steps and they are executed with mastery by your Higher Self and Divine Team. Take it a day at a time. The only way out is through. Just keep breathing.

My intention in giving these steps is to aid your own ascension, by creating a foundation of understanding, so that you may discover your way. Sometimes you may experience multiple steps at once or skip others entirely. Don’t expect anything to be constant. It’s all shifting and evolving.


I offer personal guidance through the Ascension process. Check out my services if you would like one-on-one attention in your beautiful evolution.

–February 17, 2017

Root Chakra Rewrite : New Earth Ascension

Many have damaged DNA or fractured Light Bodies, due to past trauma of the 3D Earth. This has kept people from grounding properly into the planet’s Earth Star Chakra, as well as feeling insecure and afraid.

At this time, the Root Chakra is undergoing a major overhaul. It is up for reprogramming, repair, recoding, and rewriting. Essentially, the new Root Chakra will be responsible for an entirely new set of rules and the old ones are phasing out.

Traditionally, this chakra was responsible for security, home, and safety. These functions are no longer necessary. “Home” and “Security” are feelings within. In the New Earth, we always feel at home and secure. This would make the Root Chakra obsolete. But of course, nothing is wasted. As you move into 5D, your Root Chakra is the first up for the new codes.

In the past, we stored our lineage and ancestral energy in our Root Chakra–Family Karma. The Root Chakra is tied to Saturn, the ruler of Time and Karma. However, this New Earth has new rules. Karma is nearly instantaneous. We learn from our mistakes almost as soon as we make them. We are responsible for any energy we put out and we are personally accountable for all of our actions.

Root Chakra upgrades may manifest physically as a change in location, new job, family or friend contracts playing out and ending, fatigue, fear, feeling lost, adrenal fatigue, or nervous system overload. Know that you are always safe. This chakra will go online and offline as it is upgraded. Feeling suddenly lost, unguided, and alone may also occur. Know that you are always taken care of and always safe. The more you relax into that energy of “home”, the faster this process will go.

To assist this chakra in its upgrade:

  • Sleep and drink water (More than usual)
  • Relax and meditate
  • Forgive past transgressions from yourself and others
  • Focus on Red: Wear red, eat red foods, etc.
  • Listen to drums
  • Be patient

Lastly, lack of grounding can make us feel a bit crazy and scattered. It feels like we don’t know what to do or where to go. Consciously ground the rays that are coming in. Visualize roots growing from your feet and down into the crystalline core of 5D Gaia. Consciously form your roots and connection to the earth. This will connect you to the Earth Star Chakra, which provides plenty of strength to keep you grounded as you ascend and upgrade.

–January 24, 2017

7D Violet Ray : Ascension for the New Earth

Violet RayGaia is currently residing at 5D and ascending to 7D in the New Earth timeline. She is now consciously participating in her own ascension and this is what humans are now sensing as increasing sentience and awareness.

No one can stop the global ascension, since Gaia is her own being and has made this choice for herself. My mission is to bring an influx of Light to boost her ascension. She has requested assistance and we have arrived in response to her.

Violet FlameI am currently channeling the 7D Violet Ray, as a Column of Light, to increase its influence on Gaia. As a result, all beings on the planet who are open to receive can also access this ray.

The Violet Ray is a ceremonial ray of magic, alchemy, and transmutation. It bridges the “gap” between matter and spirit by renewing connection to Source. In a sense, it brings “Heaven on Earth.”

You can assist in this mission by meditating on the Violet Ray and the Violet Flame, which will assist you in dropping density and thereby raise your frequency to 7D+. Your participation assists Gaia and she welcomes your Love.

–December 23, 2016

Mission Statement

I am here to Create Beauty.

Welcome to my blog, devoted to the Global Ascension. I am here to bridge Heaven and Earth via Divine Union with Source.

As part of my mission in Gaia’s ascension, I will post updates for what is currently occurring on the planet, and how it may affect the collective. The content for this blog comes from Direct Experience with Gaia, Source, and Self–We are All One.

My purpose in giving these reports is only to assist you in your personal journey. You are a Sovereign Being and I am here as a lamppost until you rediscover your own Light.

I will strive for some regularity in my posts, but the information comes intuitively, as it is ready to be processed.

Thank you for your participation in the Global Ascension.

Harmony Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power

Karen Neverland

–December 21, 2016