Awakening the Dragons : Kundalini, Ascension, Seraphim, and Leylines

The dragon is a symbol of our Ascension and Evolution. Transforming from the mundane worm into the exalted dragon. With Jupiter retrograding in Scorpio, we are truly faced with our shadows and learning to integrate them into conscious awareness or Oneness.

Dragons are used for many purposes in many cultures, but they almost always represent mastering our Power and finding some form of Enlightenment.

The winged serpent or feathered serpent is an ancient symbol found in nearly every ancient culture. Quetzalcoatl, Amaru, Naga, Lung Dragon, and many more. Additionally, Ley Lines, Seraphim, Ascension, Kundalini, the Zodiac, and the Holy Spirit are all known as Dragons. The Big Dipper was originally a giant, celestial Dragon.

In ascension, the Winged Serpent/Dragon represents one who has raised their consciousness and liberated themselves from the reincarnation cycle of Samsara. The “snake charmer” or “serpent tamer” are metaphors for cultivating the cosmic energy in the Root Chakra, aka Kundalini, and slowly raising it up the spine.

Additionally, “Slaying the dragon” is a metaphor for integrating our shadow and therefore owning its Power. Though, the goal is not to destroy our shadows, for that creates internal resistance to ourselves and what is. Instead, befriending your dragons helps to understand them and Love them in conscious awareness. This brings balance and integrates the shadow so it dissolves into a Single Awareness or Oneness.

ascension stages

Personally, when I hit rock bottom, I discovered my inner dragon that is invincible. Without the fall, I would have never found my Self.

If you wish to start working with the dragons, you need only call on them. The ley line dragons are not afraid of the darkness. They will come to any who are pure of heart. Request their presence in gratitude. They can transform physical matter instantaneously, if you are open to receive their assistance.

Love, Wisdom, and Power to you and yours in our beautiful ascension.
–April 29, 2018


Images used for educational purposes. Please contact me if they belong to you for credit or removal.

Global Awakening : Kundalini Ascension : Uranus Direct : The Mobius Strip

Uranus in the Aquarian Age

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and therefore the ruler of the Aquarian Age. Uranus is the Universal Mind, Awakener, Shock, and Electric; Kundalini flashes and sudden awakenings. It is the 7th planet, spending 7 years in each sign. The Violet Flame is the 7th Ray, 7 Chakras, 7 Music Notes, 7 days of the week, and 7 Colors. Uranus is coming in strong to awaken all of us into Self Mastery.

To the Ancients, Uranus was Ouranos, the Sky God. His ancient symbol is a mix between the Sun and Mars.

The wedding of Heaven and Earth is ruled by Uranus, who brings Freedom for All. Uranus sits on its side and spins the opposite way of any other planet, representing Insight, Unique, Weird, Genius, Father Sky, Husband of Gaia.

Uranus officially entered Aries in 2011 (due to Retrograde). Personally, I feel this is when the Aquarian Age started, since Uranus was reborn in Aries for a new Zodiac cycle.

The Aquarian Age is empowered individuals acting for the greater whole. With Uranus in Aries since 2011, we have been radically awakening into our Higher Selves and clearing all blocks that keep us from shining our Light.

Uranus stations Direct on January 2, though it stays on the same degree until February 2. During this time, blockages for the Kundalini will be cleared to allow the Kundalini to flow naturally up the Central Channel. [link]

Uranus stationing Direct also brings an increase of the Violet Flame to assist in transmuting the Shadow, which will arise from releasing these internal blockages.

Uranus moves into Taurus in May 2018 and we are wrapping up these final degrees of Aries and exploration of Self, before the Ruler of the Aquarian Age shifts gears to our physical world, money, abundance, health, and environment.

Flip Flop and the Mobius Strip

The 3D timelines have been fully separated from the rest of the timelines. Everyone here has agreed to move into 5D (Oneness) and ascend with Gaia. This means you will experience a Kundalini Ascension (4D) this year, if you have not already.

Gaia is already in 5D and she is dragging everyone up. 4D is when we go through Kundalini Ascension and many are not ready mentally or emotionally for this. Breathe. Take it slow. The only way out is through. There are plenty of Wayshowers, Starseeds, Ascended Masters, and High Angelics available to assist the collective through these transitions. Above all, listen to your own Heart.

My guides show this process as a Mobius Strip, which is constructed so that if you enter in one direction, you exit the opposite: The inside becomes the outside and the outside the inside. As within, so without.

This is what is happening in 2018 as Uranus stations Direct, bringing sudden Kundalini flashes. The energy of our world “flip flops” from Within to Without and Without to Within. It will be obvious this year who has done their inner work and who has not, because the Kundalini is rising and blockages manifest as illness.

Do not worry! You can do this! I offer sessions if you would like guidance, but it is a natural process. Allow the energy to FLOW. I highly recommend an epsom salt bath, when the emotions become overwhelming. It helps detox the emotional body at an accelerated rate. [More on the Emotional Body.]

Kundalini Flashes

If there are energy blockages when the Kundalini rises, this causes major Ascension Symptoms. The Kundalini rises, hits a block, dissolves it, and then recoils. This happens over and over until the entire Central Channel is clear. [More on the Kundalini]

To assist this process, our Divine Teams and Higher Selves often turn the chakras “on” and “off” until the energy blockages release and allow the Kundalini flow. This can cause health issues, so pay special attention to any illness manifesting in the body at this time. It reveals which chakras are blocking your Kundalini flow. Rest as needed.

Here is a tool my Divine Team used to hint which chakras they were working on with repeating numbers. This really helped during my Kundalini Ascension to know why it feels so off sometimes.

101: Root Chakra Offline
111: Root Online

202: Sacral Offline
212: Sacral Online

303: Solar Plexus Offline
313: Solar Plexus Online

404: Heart Offline
414: Heart Online

505: Throat Offline
515: Throat Online

606: Third Eye Offline
616: Third Eye Online

707: Crown Offline
717: Crown Online

The Kundalini usually crawls up the chakras when there are no blockages, but with Gaia ascending in frequency, it is triggering this flash because the energy of the planet is pulling everyone up.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, Uranus Direct, Saturn in Capricorn, and most of the world working on 4D Kundalini Ascension, people are going to be physically feeling this and emotionally ungrounded. Hold a space of Love, if you are able.

Remember that the Energy Body wants to be in Harmony and will return there, as soon as whatever caused the issue is resolved. Follow your inner guidance and listen to your body.

Sending you so much Love on your transformational year.
Love, Wisdom, Power
–January 2, 2018

Art used for Educational Purposes. If it belongs to you, please let me know so I can credit or remove. 

Global Harmonizing : Jupiter in Scorpio : Sacral Chakra Balancing

harmonic convergenceGlobal and Sacral Harmonizing

The Equinox Gateway was a powerful alignment to begin bridging our Yin and Yang polarities from Duality into Oneness. [More on the Equinox here. More on 3D to 5D here.] This process involves harmonizing our polarities together: yin/yang, within/without, masculine/feminine, light/dark, active/receptive, electric/magnetic, self/Self, etc. All of these are becoming One.

Union is happening within Gaia, as well as within each one of us. We hold Duality in our bodies in the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. The Eclipse aligned the Solar Plexus [link], so the Sacral Chakra is next.

The Sacral Chakra is our Sexuality—Masculine and Feminine. As we move into Unity Consciousness, it is no longer useful to have this separation within us. In fact, it cannot sustain itself. This chakra is being Harmonized into Unity. Both Yin and Yang will exist in this chakra no matter the gender. It is not that gender is going away, the same way all polarities are not going away. Instead, think of them as both existing in perfect Harmony, flowing with each other, so they now seem as one.

yin yangMany are already feeling this intensely and this Global Harmonizing will continue and amplify through the Full Moon in Aries. This process is ongoing within and without until each one of us is fully balanced and flowing together in harmony.

For any energy work, it is essential to drink plenty of water and help the physical body detox the old energy. This is especially true with the Sacral Chakra because it rules the Kidneys that help us detox, and it also rules the Water Element.

Be gentle with your body in this time and give it what it needs. Do not try to do what you have always done in the past. We are moving into an entirely New way and the physical vessel is very different. Allow your body, mind, and soul to be tuned to the New. We are integrating our opposites together in mass.

Soul Alchemy of Jupiter in Scorpio

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter is moving into Scorpio until November 8, 2018. Scorpio is the Darkest Dark, the Lightest Light, and the Power to Transcend Both. For the next year, we are expanding themes of relationships, sexuality, alchemy, shadow, Kundalini, awakening, ascension, and transformation.

After the Equinox Harmonizing, we moved into an intense Virgo stellium that purged and cleared our systems, then right into a Libra stellium that is balancing our polar opposites. We will really feel all of this work when Jupiter moves into Scorpio and is joined by the Sun later in the month. Like Alchemy, our opposites of Fire and Water will be poured back and forth until we have been made into FireWater. Our opposites will be merged, swinging from extreme to extreme, until they are One.

Jupiter in Scorpio will also be a time of great abundance for those who have long been on the path and following their heart’s purpose. Scorpio rules wealth, like its opposite sign Taurus. This will be an abundant time for those who are already balanced within, while it may be quite challenging for those who have resisted their heart’s calling up to this point.

It is all for the greater good. For those who are struggling, keep working to heal and transform. Work through your Shadow and Trauma one step at a time. You are fully guided and never abandoned. Reach out to those who have gone before for help if you need. There is so much support here and everyone is capable of this process. We are all in this together.

Finally, there are higher and lower aspects in Astrology and no sign reveals this better than Scorpio. It’s lower aspect is the Scorpion and it ascended is the Eagle. By the time Jupiter is done in this sign, we will all know what it means to transcend our mundane tendencies and become Eagles.

Harmonic Convergence

The Harmonic Convergence was a global prayer on August 16, 1987, where 144,000+ Lightworkers gathered in sacred sites around the world for peace. These types of globally unified actions are always significant. Source has seen and heard the prayer. [I cry even as I write this in pure joy and relief.]

This year on August 16, we passed the 30th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence and this 30 is an important marker. Like a Saturn Return, it means that we have been mastered and the Harmonic Convergence has been Actualized in our reality. This is part of what we are experiencing in the Now.

vesica piscisIn Sound, when two different notes are played at the same time, they create a Third Tone, called a Harmonic. This is also how binaural beats work. We are unifying duality in the harmonic of Christ Consciousness (the Third Tone) by bridging Heaven and Earth. A Vesica Piscis illustrates this same concept. Two becoming One and forming a new Third Energy.

We are becoming One, but do not fear losing your individuality. The same way two tones are both played, but the third is created, we will each live our full, sovereign purpose and sing our clear tones together and this will create beautiful chords, known as the Harmony of the Spheres.

A guitar is tuned
By pulling and stretching strings
Into Harmony.

Allow yourself to be Tuned.
Love, Wisdom, Power
—October 4, 2017


[Header image = Public Domain
Yin Yang image: Source Unknown
Vesica Piscis image: Source Unknown]

Kundalini Rising : Central Channel Alignment

Kundalini RisingKundalini Channels

All of us contain both a Masculine and a Feminine part of our being. We have three main energy channels in the body:

  1. Masculine/Electric – Right Side
  2. Feminine/Magnetic – Left Side
  3. Unified/Electromagnetic – Central Channel

kundalini risingOn the path to Light Body, one of the pivotal steps is to unify the Masculine and Feminine channels into the Central Channel. Many people are polarized to one side or the other. We must first balance these two channels, then integrate them so we live out of our Center.

There are a few techniques that greatly aid this process, though it is a matter of practice and embodiment to train the body and energetic field to stay in the Center. Once we have reprogrammed our energy into the Central Channel, it will usually remain there. Even when we get pulled out of it, it is easier and easier to get back into alignment.

[Addendum: Please note that women need to be gentle doing any breathing exercises during their monthly cycle. Do not ever force the Kundalini, especially during this time. Honor your body.]

1. Breathwork : Alternate Nostril Breathing

This is a powerful, full body alignment. The basic pattern of this breathwork is: inhale, hold, exhale, hold, switch sides and repeat.

I like to breathe and hold each breath to the count of 7–the number of Mastery. Keep the inhale, hold, and exhale equal lengths.

Sit with your back upright and relax the shoulders and the neck. Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth, relaxed just behind the teeth.

  • Inhale: Place the thumb over the left nostril and inhale to the count of 7 with just the right nostril.
  • Hold: Place the pinky over the right nostril and hold this breath to the count of 7.
  • Exhale: Release the left nostril and exhale with just the left nostril to the count of 7.
  • Hold: Place the thumb over the left nostril and hold for a 7 count.

Now switch to the other side. This is one complete cycle. Do this 7 times.

2. Raising and Strengthening the Kundalini

This is a power generating exercise. Energy will shoot up the Central Channel and may be a bit overwhelming at first. This is the Kundalini energy raising from the base of the spine. The more you do this, the faster the Kundalini will rise up the chakras. Even the first time I did this, I got a noticeable rushing of energy around my body.

Sitting with the back upright, relax the shoulders and the neck. Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth, relaxed just behind the teeth.

  • Flex the perineum muscles as you draw a slow inhale. (I say the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” as I do.)
  • Hold the breath and keep the perineum flexed. Hold as long as you can without discomfort.
  • Release the perineum and the breath in a slow exhale. (I repeat the mantra again as I exhale.)
  • Hold the exhale and keep the muscles relaxed as long as you can until the breath naturally draws back in.
  • Do this 108 times or as many times as you would like.

Perineum muscles will get tired at first, but they will grow stronger, and as they do, so will your Kundalini Force.

[Please Note: Women should not do Kundalini strengthening during their monthly cycle. It is a receptive time and generating active power energy is not useful and can actually be detrimental.]

As Within, So Without

These exercises done regularly will permanently unify your Masculine and Feminine channels into the Central Channel. A word of caution, though it seems simple and mundane, rearranging the energy channels in the body and will have powerful effects on your reality if you stick with it.

As within, so without. Once the inner Masculine and Feminine are brought together, your external male or female polarity will find their way to you, if that is in your Divine Blueprint. (If you have the heart desire for a soul mate, then it is in your Divine Blueprint, otherwise you would not have that desire.) It is a frequency thing. By aligning your polarity, you and your opposite are like a pair of magnets that draw together to unite the physical polarity.

There are a lot of factors that go into aligning the Central Channel. These are just a couple tools to assist, but it is really a holistic exercise. To truly align, it must be a calling from your whole being to ascend. It will require the whole faculty of your being to reprogram your energy field, but if you are in a place in your life to do this work, these exercises can be straight up Magic.

–June 3, 2016

Kundalini Rising