Awakening the Dragons : Kundalini, Ascension, Seraphim, and Leylines

The dragon is a symbol of our Ascension and Evolution. Transforming from the mundane worm into the exalted dragon. With Jupiter retrograding in Scorpio, we are truly faced with our shadows and learning to integrate them into conscious awareness or Oneness.

Dragons are used for many purposes in many cultures, but they almost always represent mastering our Power and finding some form of Enlightenment.

The winged serpent or feathered serpent is an ancient symbol found in nearly every ancient culture. Quetzalcoatl, Amaru, Naga, Lung Dragon, and many more. Additionally, Ley Lines, Seraphim, Ascension, Kundalini, the Zodiac, and the Holy Spirit are all known as Dragons. The Big Dipper was originally a giant, celestial Dragon.

In ascension, the Winged Serpent/Dragon represents one who has raised their consciousness and liberated themselves from the reincarnation cycle of Samsara. The “snake charmer” or “serpent tamer” are metaphors for cultivating the cosmic energy in the Root Chakra, aka Kundalini, and slowly raising it up the spine.

Additionally, “Slaying the dragon” is a metaphor for integrating our shadow and therefore owning its Power. Though, the goal is not to destroy our shadows, for that creates internal resistance to ourselves and what is. Instead, befriending your dragons helps to understand them and Love them in conscious awareness. This brings balance and integrates the shadow so it dissolves into a Single Awareness or Oneness.

ascension stages

Personally, when I hit rock bottom, I discovered my inner dragon that is invincible. Without the fall, I would have never found my Self.

If you wish to start working with the dragons, you need only call on them. The ley line dragons are not afraid of the darkness. They will come to any who are pure of heart. Request their presence in gratitude. They can transform physical matter instantaneously, if you are open to receive their assistance.

Love, Wisdom, and Power to you and yours in our beautiful ascension.
–April 29, 2018


Images used for educational purposes. Please contact me if they belong to you for credit or removal.

Road of Ascension : A Map of Consciousness

On my spiritual journey, I once read about the Tibetan Buddhist Masters who had mapped out the levels of consciousness and I always craved their models. I never found them, but my search resulted in my own map.

While everyone’s maps are no-doubt slightly different, perhaps my model will assist you in discovering your own Higher Consciousness.

3D Duality
4D Alchemy. Union of Opposites.
5D Oneness
6D Activated Imagination
7D Union with Higher Self
8D Christ Consciousness. The Middle Way.
9D Sophia Consciousness. Zero Point.
10D Prana Activations. Blue Fire.
11D Rainbow Liquid Light
12D Pure White Light

Journey on, traveler!
–January 26, 2018

Header image: Source unknown. Please let me know if is yours for credit or removal.