Chakra System and Light Body Basics

The Light Body is an exact match to the physical body, except it is made of Light. This includes meridians, chakras, light organs, and auric field. This article gives a general overview of each of the seven basic chakras and how to help them flow, which will allow the Kundalini to rise up the spinal column.

Chakra means “wheel” and you can visualize them like water wheels. When they are functioning properly, they allow energy to flow throughout the body and energize us. Water that is stagnant goes rank and putrid. This is the same in the light body. Lack of energy flow can cause dis-ease and then illness if not addressed.

We want the chakras to flow, allowing the waterfall of energy to move throughout our whole energy body and revitalize. This will stimulate the body to evolve and heal at an accelerated pace.

It is important to always work the chakras from the Root upward. Just like a tree, we need strong roots if we want our branches to grow tall.

This list provides a generalized explanation of each chakra. Everyone is a little different, so follow your own intuition. I also offer Light Body Assessments if you would like information specific to your journey, where you are, and what to work on.


Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is exactly like the roots of a tree. When it is strong, we feel safe and secure and well-adapted to life on Gaia. It gives a sense of being grounded and down-to-earth when it is balanced. Like the Crown Chakra, we pull in Light through our Root Chakra and feel a deep communion with the planet we live on. The Root is related to our sense of security, the color Red, and the Earth element.

Root Chakra work includes connecting to ancestors and past lives, clearing family karma, healing security and insecurity, connecting to “home”, grounding, attachments, anxiety, or feeling lost, confused, or disoriented.

Nature is the strongest healer for the Root Chakra. Lay on the earth, take a salt water bath, walk barefoot. Be in the moment. Be still. Remember that you are on a planet and that She sustains us here. Build a relationship with your Mother Earth.

Visualization/Meditation: If you meditate in the same place every day, it strengthens the Root Chakra. Healthy roots mean tall braches. This expands consciousness. Visualize roots growing from the bottom of your feet and wrapping around the crystalline core of Gaia.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra. It’s related the color orange, water element, emotions, masculine/feminine duality, detox, elimination, kidneys, and sexual organs. The Sacral Chakra also rules the Emotional Body and the lower emotions like sadness, anger, and sexual desires.

There is a strong connection between the Sacral and Throat Chakras, since they both are Creation Centers in the body. Often when one is out of alignment, it will affect the other one.

Sacral Chakra work includes healing emotional and relationship trauma, balancing yin and yang (masculine and feminine) channels in the body, and finding balance.

Drinking water, tea, and juice (especially orange juice!) are the best healing for the Sacral Chakra. Also Epsom Salt baths can help with detox and elimination, which will also help this chakra.

Visualization/Meditation: Visualize a yin yang in your Sacral Chakra flowing in a harmonious circle. This will help harmonize the masculine and feminine channels in the body. You can also use the Alternate Nostril Breathing exercise to further unify these channels.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus is the third chakra in the body and it is the body’s energy battery. This is our connection to the Sun (the solar plexus).

When this chakra is in alignment, we have energy and will power to work toward our goals and ambitions. We also have self-esteem and confidence in our chosen path. It is related to the Fire element, the color yellow, the stomach, and personal will. Ginger and kombucha are both amazing for this chakra to help stimulate the digestive fires.

Many find that they are naturally guided to fast or eat lighter when this chakra is going through ascension. Learn to trust your body’s natural cravings and feed it what it needs to help keep this chakra in balance.

The Solar Plexus and 3D have undergone a complete alignment and rewrite since the August 2017 Solar Eclipse. The yellow Solar Plexus has been rewritten to a Beautiful Golden Sun. The chakra itself has ascended to a Higher State and some fundamental rules of our reality were shifted. We can no longer use our personal will to manipulate or control and this is leading to major shifting in our world stage.

Visualization/Meditation: Feel the Sun and visualize it in your Core. Breathe in the golden light and feel it stored in your Solar Plexus for when you need it. The Power of the Sun lives in You.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra and the largest, central chakra in the body. It is associated with green and the Air element. It rules the Heart and Lungs, as well as the higher emotions of Love, Compassion, and Empathy.

A balanced Heart Chakra is open to loving others without fear or restriction. It can easily empathize with others, without being overwhelmed by their emotions and energy. Many empaths struggle with an over-active Heart Chakra, compensating for an under-active Solar Plexus. This causes them to feel the energies of others stronger than their own and is very overwhelming.

During Ascension, the Heart opens up in a greater way. Petals of the Heart open like a Lotus Flower. Some petals are beautiful, some painful, some haggard and worn. Embrace them all and Breathe. Release grudges, resentment, regret, remorse, past trauma, and judgment to help it open. Chest pain and breathing constriction are common during ascension, as it accelerates this opening and we process years of pain in a short time. Be patient, Love and encourage yourself. Most importantly, forgive yourself and others to release energy that gets stuck in the Heart Chakra. My book offers some guidance for the healing process.

During ascension, we learn to tune into our hearts and trust ourselves. The goal is to have a clear and open heart that is always feeling. Emotional healing is necessary, because all Inner Knowing comes in through a Pure Heart. Discard any teaching that pulls you out of your heart center. No matter who says it. Follow your heart.

Visualization/Meditation: Breathe deeply into the Heart Center and hold your breath on the inhale. Visualize Emerald Fire burning in your chest and regenerating and renewing all the tissues and energies. Release on the exhale.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and associated with sky blue and the Aether element. It rules our sense of authenticity and personal truth. When it is healthy, we are able to speak our truth and embody it without fear of judgment.

Core wounds of feeling separate from Source and our fellow Humans are often stored in the Throat Chakra–feeling disconnected and unheard. When this chakra is functioning in harmony, we have no problem stepping into the spotlight and being seen as our true self. Peppermint essential oil and tea are powerful for this chakra to lighten and enliven the energy.

Visualization/Meditation: The Lion’s Breath is an amazing technique for this chakra. Any breath work will help open this chakra more. You can also visualize a blue sky with all the clouds dissipating in the brilliant and beautiful sunlight.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye is the sixth chakra. It is indigo in color and rules our sixth senses (there are many), psychic channels, and higher awarenesses. It rules the dream state and the Imagination. When this chakra is open, we can easily moderate between the different dimensions and have an expanded awareness of reality.

Many teachings focus on the Third Eye, but this is actually quite damaging if the Root Chakra is not strong. Always focus on healing the chakras from the bottom up, since they feed into each other from the Root. This chakra opens naturally when the lower five chakras are in alignment.

Many experience calcification of the pineal gland, which can affect the natural opening of this chakra. This can be easily remedied with regular turmeric intake. Use your best judgment on what is right for you. There is a recipe for Turmeric Milk here.

Visualization/Meditation: Any visualization can help the Third Eye Chakra to open more, as well as anything that engages the Imagination such as reading or writing.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is our seventh and final personal chakra in the body. It is ruled by the color violet (and also white). When this chakra is healthy, we easily connect with and trust in Source. We have a higher perspective on life and are able to see the Big Picture in balance with our day-to-day routines.

This chakra greatly deals in forgiveness and surrender. A healthy Crown is able to understand and hold space for others without selfish intent or judgment. It also allows us to hear and connect with our Higher Self.

Frankincense is an amazing high frequency oil/incense that assists with Crown Chakra opening. Many high frequency people who struggle with grounding will find great healing from this.

Visualization/Meditation: Visualize a Waterfall of Light opening above you and allow it to pour into your body through a Lotus Flower on your Crown. This will help you take in Light from the Higher Realms and be open to receive.


There are additional, transpersonal chakras that open in the Light Body for a variety of reasons, but they will not start opening until the base seven are flowing in harmony. Click to learn more about 8D, 9D, and Crystalline.

So much Love, Wisdom, and Power to you on your Divine Journey!
–June 1, 2018

Images used for educational purpose. Please let me know if they belong to you for credit or removal.

Awakening the Dragons : Kundalini, Ascension, Seraphim, and Leylines

The dragon is a symbol of our Ascension and Evolution. Transforming from the mundane worm into the exalted dragon. With Jupiter retrograding in Scorpio, we are truly faced with our shadows and learning to integrate them into conscious awareness or Oneness.

Dragons are used for many purposes in many cultures, but they almost always represent mastering our Power and finding some form of Enlightenment.

The winged serpent or feathered serpent is an ancient symbol found in nearly every ancient culture. Quetzalcoatl, Amaru, Naga, Lung Dragon, and many more. Additionally, Ley Lines, Seraphim, Ascension, Kundalini, the Zodiac, and the Holy Spirit are all known as Dragons. The Big Dipper was originally a giant, celestial Dragon.

In ascension, the Winged Serpent/Dragon represents one who has raised their consciousness and liberated themselves from the reincarnation cycle of Samsara. The “snake charmer” or “serpent tamer” are metaphors for cultivating the cosmic energy in the Root Chakra, aka Kundalini, and slowly raising it up the spine.

Additionally, “Slaying the dragon” is a metaphor for integrating our shadow and therefore owning its Power. Though, the goal is not to destroy our shadows, for that creates internal resistance to ourselves and what is. Instead, befriending your dragons helps to understand them and Love them in conscious awareness. This brings balance and integrates the shadow so it dissolves into a Single Awareness or Oneness.

ascension stages

Personally, when I hit rock bottom, I discovered my inner dragon that is invincible. Without the fall, I would have never found my Self.

If you wish to start working with the dragons, you need only call on them. The ley line dragons are not afraid of the darkness. They will come to any who are pure of heart. Request their presence in gratitude. They can transform physical matter instantaneously, if you are open to receive their assistance.

Love, Wisdom, and Power to you and yours in our beautiful ascension.
–April 29, 2018


Images used for educational purposes. Please contact me if they belong to you for credit or removal.

Shadow Mastery : Jupiter in Scorpio : 4D Awakening and Collapse

Shadow Mastery

4D Collapse

The shift from 3D to 5D is so challenging that there is a whole dimension/density entirely devoted to this transition–4D. During this phase, our physical matter starts to die off as we form our new Light Body. In this time, we also integrate our Shadow and start merging into Unity Consciousness.

Gaia has already ascended to 5D and those on the ascension path have long since entered 5D. However, the Human Heart Grid and most of the consciousness of Humanity is just starting to rise into 4D consciousness. This means that we are entering into a time of Shadow Mastery on a grand scale.

Gaia has already begun the collapse of her 4D timelines and it is becoming less and less possible to manifest on this frequency. As these collapse in the Earth Grids, they collapse within our realities as well and we are forced to integrate/resolve the energies in those timelines. With 3D timelines, this meant the dissolving of Karma and working through Soul Contracts. None of these exist in our external realities anymore, once we resolve the energy within us. We can expect a similar type situation with the collapse of 4D, which is due at the end of 2018 and is already in progress. As these collapse, we can expect to be facing the remainder of our unintegrated shadows and densities.

Jupiter turns Retrograde in Scorpio

Jupiter Retrograde is in Scorpio from March 8 – July 10. This is going to shine a big spotlight on all that needs to be transformed and evolved within us. This might not be pretty, but definitely necessary. We have been clearing a lot to prepare for the collective unconscious to be revealed.

There is quite a division coming with Jupiter going Rx. If you Know Yourself and your inner demons, it will be a highly creative time with beautiful sexuality and romance. For those who have not done this work, it will no longer be possible to avoid self awareness. Scorpio is the Lightest Light, the Darkest Dark, and the transcendence of both. With this intense shadow revealing, there will also be mass transcendence that will surpass our wildest imaginings.

A lot is about to shift again. If you are deeply processing, don’t worry about taking time off these next few months. If you have already integrated awareness of your shadow, this will be an abundant time to focus on your goals. Fill your heart with Love, find your determination, and you are unstoppable.

Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio will expand our understanding of the Shadow, increase Kundalini Activations, further awaken our dream awareness and recall, and trigger mass awakenings. It could be turbulent for those who have not been keeping up on this work. Hold a space of Love for All.

Shadow Mastery

When we are integrating our shadow into our conscious self, we go through a dark time of integrating our unseen parts of ourselves. This is when all of our deepest, darkest demons are triggered to the point that we cannot deny them anymore. This forces us to integrate and learn to live with them, experience them, and learn how to use them in healthy outlets.

Our Power is stored in the shadow. It is for this reason that those who seek power are seen as “shadow”. However, proper use of the shadow gives us full use of our Divine Power. Carl Jung says: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” It is only when we have full awareness of our negative tendencies that we can truly move forward in our journeys, no longer self-sabotaging ourselves.

When we first start waking up, often there is a “Love and Light” time in our development, where we overcome our negative programming through positivity. However, we often make the mistake of suppressing, instead of integrating the shadow. This actually leads to a loss of power, because we are repressing the part of ourselves that is fearless! In this state, we must always run away from “negativity”, because we do not have our own power to help us stand in our truth.

There is no fear in being yourself, even if others view it as “shadow”. Of course, we always want to be gentle, kind, and loving, but aspects like Anger and Assertiveness are part of our strength. They keep us from being taken advantage of and to express our Sovereignty. The Dalai Lama says: “Anger… can be positive… when anger is motivated by compassion or as an impetus or a catalyst for a positive action.” This is exactly what it means to integrate the shadow and learn to use the power there for the Highest Good of All.

At first, like a child, integrating the shadow is really difficult. We do not know how to use our power and it comes out in grotesque and overwhelming ways. Love and accept yourself throughout this process. This calms the shadow, because it is being acknowledged. Then the shadow ceases to be the shadow, and it just becomes part of us.

When your shadow comes out:

  1. Remove yourself from the situation.
  2. Meditate and come back into your awareness.
  3. Wait until you are calm and rational and decide how to resolve the situation
  4. If you have said or done anything that is harmful to another, make an apology if possible, but either way, forgive yourself.

We are all Sovereign Beings and the more we step into our power, the more that these shadow elements come up. Being Sovereign means we also must forgive others, because we understand that EVERYONE has a shadow.

Note: Some shadow work may require a trained professional or a trusted friend. There is nothing to fear, but use compassion for yourself and others. My book, As Within, So Without, has some detailed exercises to working through the shadow.

4D Reflection : What You Are Not

In Alchemy, during 4D, we merge our opposites together. When we undergo a drastic shift within, it actually draws the polar opposite without so we can integrate our polarities into Oneness.

While there is the old axiom “As Above, So Below”, there is another mirror that is the reverse. During Shadow Mastery, our external reality often becomes a reflection of what we are not, rather than what we are. Through knowing what we are not, we have a deeper understanding of what we are.

Experiencing what we hate, dislike, and are frustrated with reveals much about us and our character. Through elimination, we discover more about ourselves by no longer allowing the external reality to direct our path. We realize that our consciousness is within and that the external does not always represent us. We learn discernment with the Heart and how to navigate through tumultuous waters that do not represent us.

These “reverse mirrors” are meant to be confusing on purpose to drive us deeper within ourselves. Though challenging while we are in it, much is gained from this process. We become rooted in what it feels like to follow the “wrong” path and become more sensitive to the consciousness within us. It is a refinement of our inner guidance system and part of coming into Unity Consciousness to fully integrate our Shadows into the Light of Awareness.

There is nothing to worry about as the collective begins their Shadow Integration. It is necessary, but difficult, to become self-aware. Personally, when I hit rock bottom, I discovered my inner dragon that is invincible. Without the fall, I would have never found my Self. There are plenty of masters in place to assist the collective in this time. If you have already done this work, you will be stepping out into the spotlight more and more to guide others back to their own Inner Light.

Love, Wisdom, and Power
–March 2, 2018

Road of Ascension : A Map of Consciousness

On my spiritual journey, I once read about the Tibetan Buddhist Masters who had mapped out the levels of consciousness and I always craved their models. I never found them, but my search resulted in my own map.

While everyone’s maps are no-doubt slightly different, perhaps my model will assist you in discovering your own Higher Consciousness.

3D Duality
4D Alchemy. Union of Opposites.
5D Oneness
6D Activated Imagination
7D Union with Higher Self
8D Christ Consciousness. The Middle Way.
9D Sophia Consciousness. Zero Point.
10D Prana Activations. Blue Fire.
11D Rainbow Liquid Light
12D Pure White Light

Journey on, traveler!
–January 26, 2018

Header image: Source unknown. Please let me know if is yours for credit or removal.

Global Awakening : Kundalini Ascension : Uranus Direct : The Mobius Strip

Uranus in the Aquarian Age

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and therefore the ruler of the Aquarian Age. Uranus is the Universal Mind, Awakener, Shock, and Electric; Kundalini flashes and sudden awakenings. It is the 7th planet, spending 7 years in each sign. The Violet Flame is the 7th Ray, 7 Chakras, 7 Music Notes, 7 days of the week, and 7 Colors. Uranus is coming in strong to awaken all of us into Self Mastery.

To the Ancients, Uranus was Ouranos, the Sky God. His ancient symbol is a mix between the Sun and Mars.

The wedding of Heaven and Earth is ruled by Uranus, who brings Freedom for All. Uranus sits on its side and spins the opposite way of any other planet, representing Insight, Unique, Weird, Genius, Father Sky, Husband of Gaia.

Uranus officially entered Aries in 2011 (due to Retrograde). Personally, I feel this is when the Aquarian Age started, since Uranus was reborn in Aries for a new Zodiac cycle.

The Aquarian Age is empowered individuals acting for the greater whole. With Uranus in Aries since 2011, we have been radically awakening into our Higher Selves and clearing all blocks that keep us from shining our Light.

Uranus stations Direct on January 2, though it stays on the same degree until February 2. During this time, blockages for the Kundalini will be cleared to allow the Kundalini to flow naturally up the Central Channel. [link]

Uranus stationing Direct also brings an increase of the Violet Flame to assist in transmuting the Shadow, which will arise from releasing these internal blockages.

Uranus moves into Taurus in May 2018 and we are wrapping up these final degrees of Aries and exploration of Self, before the Ruler of the Aquarian Age shifts gears to our physical world, money, abundance, health, and environment.

Flip Flop and the Mobius Strip

The 3D timelines have been fully separated from the rest of the timelines. Everyone here has agreed to move into 5D (Oneness) and ascend with Gaia. This means you will experience a Kundalini Ascension (4D) this year, if you have not already.

Gaia is already in 5D and she is dragging everyone up. 4D is when we go through Kundalini Ascension and many are not ready mentally or emotionally for this. Breathe. Take it slow. The only way out is through. There are plenty of Wayshowers, Starseeds, Ascended Masters, and High Angelics available to assist the collective through these transitions. Above all, listen to your own Heart.

My guides show this process as a Mobius Strip, which is constructed so that if you enter in one direction, you exit the opposite: The inside becomes the outside and the outside the inside. As within, so without.

This is what is happening in 2018 as Uranus stations Direct, bringing sudden Kundalini flashes. The energy of our world “flip flops” from Within to Without and Without to Within. It will be obvious this year who has done their inner work and who has not, because the Kundalini is rising and blockages manifest as illness.

Do not worry! You can do this! I offer sessions if you would like guidance, but it is a natural process. Allow the energy to FLOW. I highly recommend an epsom salt bath, when the emotions become overwhelming. It helps detox the emotional body at an accelerated rate. [More on the Emotional Body.]

Kundalini Flashes

If there are energy blockages when the Kundalini rises, this causes major Ascension Symptoms. The Kundalini rises, hits a block, dissolves it, and then recoils. This happens over and over until the entire Central Channel is clear. [More on the Kundalini]

To assist this process, our Divine Teams and Higher Selves often turn the chakras “on” and “off” until the energy blockages release and allow the Kundalini flow. This can cause health issues, so pay special attention to any illness manifesting in the body at this time. It reveals which chakras are blocking your Kundalini flow. Rest as needed.

Here is a tool my Divine Team used to hint which chakras they were working on with repeating numbers. This really helped during my Kundalini Ascension to know why it feels so off sometimes.

101: Root Chakra Offline
111: Root Online

202: Sacral Offline
212: Sacral Online

303: Solar Plexus Offline
313: Solar Plexus Online

404: Heart Offline
414: Heart Online

505: Throat Offline
515: Throat Online

606: Third Eye Offline
616: Third Eye Online

707: Crown Offline
717: Crown Online

The Kundalini usually crawls up the chakras when there are no blockages, but with Gaia ascending in frequency, it is triggering this flash because the energy of the planet is pulling everyone up.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, Uranus Direct, Saturn in Capricorn, and most of the world working on 4D Kundalini Ascension, people are going to be physically feeling this and emotionally ungrounded. Hold a space of Love, if you are able.

Remember that the Energy Body wants to be in Harmony and will return there, as soon as whatever caused the issue is resolved. Follow your inner guidance and listen to your body.

Sending you so much Love on your transformational year.
Love, Wisdom, Power
–January 2, 2018

Art used for Educational Purposes. If it belongs to you, please let me know so I can credit or remove. 

Royal Stars of Persia : Ancient Symbolism : Astrological Christmas

four royal stars

The Four Royal Stars of Persia are four stars that stand in each of the four cardinal directions, each one coming into prominence at the height of one of the four seasons.

Symbols for the Royal Stars extend into every culture throughout our history as the Four Pillars, Four Directions, Four Archangels, Four Horsemen, etc.

Four Royal Stars and the Cross

The Four Royal Stars are:

  • Aldebaran (Taurus’s Eye) – Spring Equinox, Watcher of the East, Archangel Michael
  • Regulus (Heart of Leo) – Summer Solstice, Watcher of the North, Archangel Raphael
  • Antares (Heart of Scorpio) – Autumn Equinox, Watcher of the West, Archangel Uriel
  • Fomalhaut (Aquarius) – Winter Solstice, Watcher of the South, Archangel Gabriel

These four stars are always in the sky “watching” over us and they mark the changes in seasons, which was crucial for staying in sync with the harvest. For this reason, the cross is an ancient symbol of the Four Directions/Four Pillars, honoring the Four Royal Stars.

The cross is found in many varieties all around the world, and further investigation reveals that it dates back to Ancient Mu, Land of the Four Rivers.

cross   sacred symbols of mu

Saturn Return and the Sphinx

Saturn is the Master Teacher in Astrology and it takes it about 28-29 years to pass through the Zodiac. When it returns to the natal placement, we say this is the “Saturn Return” and it is a time Mastery and Completion. This is why Jesus and Buddha began their teaching service after their Saturn Return ended at 30 years old.

Saturn initiates us into the next phase of Life (Child to Adult to Sage). The Saturn Return teaches what we need for our soul’s mission and zeroes our karma up to that point. It is hard for everyone, like how lifting weights tears down the muscle to make it stronger: Saturn restricts so we grow.

The four Royal Stars come up in the Saturn Return. The symbols of the Sphinx and Cherubim are made up of the four fixed signs of the zodiac: Taurus (Bull), Leo (Lion), Scorpio (Eagle), and Aquarius (Man). The Sphinx symbolizes Saturn’s completion of the four realms of the Zodiac and therefore Mastery. This is shown in the Sphinx’s Riddle:

“What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?”
Answer: Man in the Field of Time. First he crawls (Child), then he walks (Adult), and in old age he must use a cane (Sage).

sphinx  sphinx  cherubim

The Synthesis of these four (Bull, Lion, Eagle, Man) comes together into the 5th (Sphinx—the fifth element—Aether). We repeatedly see this theme with the four coming together into the fifth and reaching an ascended state, for it is written in the stars. This is symbolic of the Ascension Process and Mastery of Light Body, which is also known as the Aether Body or 5D. This is also why the cross is associated with Christ Consciousness.

fifth element  cross

Astrological Christmas Story

solar kingIt is interesting to realize that Archangel Gabriel announces the arrival of Christ in the Bible. Gabriel is the star Fomalhaut and the highest of the Royal Stars on Winter Solstice—Christmas. His arrival at the peak in the sky is on the longest night of the year and reveals that the Son (Sun) will return. The days grow longer than the nights after this, so the Sun literally returns.

The Solar King being born each year on the Winter Solstice symbolizes the Return of Christ Consciousness in all of us, since the Sun also refers to the Spiritual Sun in our Hearts.

May the remainder of 2017 be filled with beautiful revelations.
Love, Wisdom, Power
—December 3, 2017


[Sources of the pictures are unknown and used for educational purposes. Please contact me if you are the owner and would like credit or removal.]

Breathwork and Spirit : Throat Chakra Opening Exercises



Breath is synonymous with “Spirit” in almost every tradition. We relate the invisible animating force of the breath with Life and the Holy Spirit. Even the word “Inspiration” has its second meaning as “the drawing in of breath; inhalation.”

When we work with the breath (i.e. pranayama), we are working with our own spirit and our connection to the Great Spirit that moves through us All. Learning breathwork to move energy in the body yokes the Mind, Body, and Spirit together (i.e. yoga).

These breath exercises activate the Throat Chakra, bringing in the Aether Element to the body. Aether is the Fifth Element and associated with 5D, the Throat Chakra, and the synthesis of the Light Body. These exercises will open the Throat Chakra and catalyze the transition to 5D. They unify the whole being and energize with the Life-giving Spirit or Prana.

As with any breathwork exercise, these can have powerful results for anyone devoted to them. Five minutes a day is better than one hour once a week. Make sure you are grounded before doing any breathwork exercise, because the Kundalini fires once the channels are clear and this can be sudden or unexpected.

The goal is to have the Kundalini fire slow, so the results are prolonged and retained, but be aware that it might fire quickly once a block is released. If you experience any strong side effects, just stop the exercise and breathe deeply until your body calibrates. Sudden upsets of emotions are common. Stay grounded and feel them until they pass. You can always tap on the sternum/thymus gland to help regulate the energy flow in the body and aid in any clearing.

Here are some more Kundalini and Breathwork exercises that may be useful.

Ujjayi Breath

(Pronounced “ooh-jah-yee” and means “Victorious Breath”)

You can use this exercise at any time. It will charge up the body with Universal Life Force Energy and aids with healing and vitality.

  1. Inhale slowly through the nose.
  2. Hold the breath at the peak of the inhale until it starts to be uncomfortable.
  3. Tighten the muscles in the back of the throat as you exhale out the nose. These are the muscles as if you were saying “HAAAH” or breathing onto a mirror. It should make a sound as you exhale, even though your mouth is closed. You can also do it with the mouth open and actually hiss HAAAH, if that makes it easier.
  4. Hold the exhalation with the lungs empty until you naturally draw in breath.
  5. Repeat until you feel energized and vibrant. Don’t force any of these steps, as it will do more harm then good. Gentle.

Lion’s Breath

You can use this exercise to clear out energy blockages or to turbo charge the body with energy. Use for 1-5 minutes per day or as needed.

  1. Sit with the back in an upright position, supporting the upper body using the lower back.
  2. Tip the head back as far as is comfortable to hold there for a prolonged period. The further back the better, but do not have any neck strain or hunch the shoulders; be totally relaxed. The neck muscles will strengthen with time and eventually you will be able to hold the head back far enough to look at the ceiling comfortably.
  3. Inhale slowly through the nostrils.
  4. At the peak of the inhale, stick the tongue out as far as you can without straining. Strong exhale out over the back of the tongue. This is different than Ujjayi Breath. That is more like a hiss in the back of the throat and this is more like a soft roar from the lungs.
  5. When the lungs are depleted, strong inhalation.
  6. Repeat. Two options here: Either continue at the same strength as the first breath, or if you feel good, increase speed and power of respiration until you are audibly roaring with the exhales followed by swift inhales. The goal is not to be fast, the goal is to feel the energy powering up the whole body from the Root to the Crown. Feel into each breath and go at the speed and intensity that feels comfortable. It is fine to do this gentle at first until you feel the power rising within.

Many blessings on your Divine Journey!
Love, Wisdom, Power
—November 28, 2017

Header image: Designed by Freepik

6D: Indigos and Third Eye Opening

6D: Indigos and Third Eye OpeningIndigo refers to both a soul group and to babies born with their Third Eye already activated. Indigos are known for increased psychic ability, greater awareness, extra senses, understanding symbols intuitively, and receiving Knowing/Gnosis of the sacred mysteries. A Peacock’s rainbow eyes symbolize the Third Eye Chakra, perceiving all dimensions of existence & awareness.

One of the Indigos main missions here is to bridge the realms of Heaven and Earth. They have hyper awareness of the Astral Plane and are “Bridging” it into union with the physical plane.

The Indigos have been almost non-functional this year, as they have been preparing the 6D timelines for the waves that are currently ascending there. All their excess energy has been going into the mission, though they might not be consciously aware of it. Lack of creativity, feeling lost, and extreme fatigue are likely symptoms.

With the most recent wave of souls who have ascended to 6D, many of the Indigos will be stepping out from behind the scenes and into a visible role in 2018.

Opening the Third Eye and Pineal Gland

In 6D, our Third Eye Chakra “turns on” or activates. This begins a gradual opening of greater awareness to the hundreds of “sixth senses”. The language of symbols opens up and a large veil drops off.

Opening new awareness is tricky, because we can’t know what we have never experienced. We don’t know what to look for. It is a slow process. It can also be scary and cause a frenzy feeling, since our human mind is struggling to understand the new sensations and awarenesses that it has no paradigm to explain.

The Third Eye turns on when the previous five chakras are in balance and open. Like a tree, our roots must be strong if we want our branches to grow tall. The Kundalini crawls up the chakras from the Root to the Crown. The Third Eye Chakra is like antennas that stretch out and feel higher dimensions.

True Sight

The Human Eye picks up light in the colors of Red, Green, and Blue. This is interpreted by the brain to create a compiled image we call Vision. Once the Third Eye opens, we gain another eye that picks up more than just RGB. It senses feelings, emotions, visions, auras, dreams, and hundreds of more senses besides just color and light.

Being able to see outside the 7 color spectrum of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet is not so unusual. Many animals have vision different than our own:

  • Dragonflies see 33 types of light, while we see 3.
  • Snakes see in Infrared, combining heat and smell into an image.
  • Bees sense the electric fields of flowers and see ultraviolet light spectrum.

Since the brain is actually what determines our Vision (compiling the information gained from the eyes), adding this third eye brings actual, tangible changes to Sight. We also gain powerful Inner Vision.

Healing the Third Eye

The Third Eye is ruled by the Pineal Gland in the brain. This gland is often calcified from toxins. Here is a recipe I used to decalcify the pineal gland:

Combine 1 tsp Turmeric + 1 cup warm/hot milk. (Nut milks work great!) Drink once per day.

When we awaken the Third Eye Chakra, there can also be ascension symptoms with the physical eyes. The whole system is moving from two eyes to three eyes, so everything is affected. The eyes often get irritated during this phase, since they are physically embodying these new changes and clearing out old cells. Here is a simple recipe I used to clear the eyes:

1 part apple cider vinegar + 8 parts distilled water. Put a drop in each eye every 4 hours until it clears.

It might burn if there are any infections or irritations in the eyes. You can always add more water to soften this. (Only distilled water!) I have healed full on bacterial eye infections in a couple days with this.

I am not a doctor. Please use your own judgment and consult a physician if necessary before using either of these recipes.


May you always see with Clear Vision.
Love, Wisdom, Power
–November 22, 2017

Featured Photo by: Myloismylife on Wikimedia Commons

Global Harmonizing : Jupiter in Scorpio : Sacral Chakra Balancing

harmonic convergenceGlobal and Sacral Harmonizing

The Equinox Gateway was a powerful alignment to begin bridging our Yin and Yang polarities from Duality into Oneness. [More on the Equinox here. More on 3D to 5D here.] This process involves harmonizing our polarities together: yin/yang, within/without, masculine/feminine, light/dark, active/receptive, electric/magnetic, self/Self, etc. All of these are becoming One.

Union is happening within Gaia, as well as within each one of us. We hold Duality in our bodies in the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. The Eclipse aligned the Solar Plexus [link], so the Sacral Chakra is next.

The Sacral Chakra is our Sexuality—Masculine and Feminine. As we move into Unity Consciousness, it is no longer useful to have this separation within us. In fact, it cannot sustain itself. This chakra is being Harmonized into Unity. Both Yin and Yang will exist in this chakra no matter the gender. It is not that gender is going away, the same way all polarities are not going away. Instead, think of them as both existing in perfect Harmony, flowing with each other, so they now seem as one.

yin yangMany are already feeling this intensely and this Global Harmonizing will continue and amplify through the Full Moon in Aries. This process is ongoing within and without until each one of us is fully balanced and flowing together in harmony.

For any energy work, it is essential to drink plenty of water and help the physical body detox the old energy. This is especially true with the Sacral Chakra because it rules the Kidneys that help us detox, and it also rules the Water Element.

Be gentle with your body in this time and give it what it needs. Do not try to do what you have always done in the past. We are moving into an entirely New way and the physical vessel is very different. Allow your body, mind, and soul to be tuned to the New. We are integrating our opposites together in mass.

Soul Alchemy of Jupiter in Scorpio

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter is moving into Scorpio until November 8, 2018. Scorpio is the Darkest Dark, the Lightest Light, and the Power to Transcend Both. For the next year, we are expanding themes of relationships, sexuality, alchemy, shadow, Kundalini, awakening, ascension, and transformation.

After the Equinox Harmonizing, we moved into an intense Virgo stellium that purged and cleared our systems, then right into a Libra stellium that is balancing our polar opposites. We will really feel all of this work when Jupiter moves into Scorpio and is joined by the Sun later in the month. Like Alchemy, our opposites of Fire and Water will be poured back and forth until we have been made into FireWater. Our opposites will be merged, swinging from extreme to extreme, until they are One.

Jupiter in Scorpio will also be a time of great abundance for those who have long been on the path and following their heart’s purpose. Scorpio rules wealth, like its opposite sign Taurus. This will be an abundant time for those who are already balanced within, while it may be quite challenging for those who have resisted their heart’s calling up to this point.

It is all for the greater good. For those who are struggling, keep working to heal and transform. Work through your Shadow and Trauma one step at a time. You are fully guided and never abandoned. Reach out to those who have gone before for help if you need. There is so much support here and everyone is capable of this process. We are all in this together.

Finally, there are higher and lower aspects in Astrology and no sign reveals this better than Scorpio. It’s lower aspect is the Scorpion and it ascended is the Eagle. By the time Jupiter is done in this sign, we will all know what it means to transcend our mundane tendencies and become Eagles.

Harmonic Convergence

The Harmonic Convergence was a global prayer on August 16, 1987, where 144,000+ Lightworkers gathered in sacred sites around the world for peace. These types of globally unified actions are always significant. Source has seen and heard the prayer. [I cry even as I write this in pure joy and relief.]

This year on August 16, we passed the 30th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence and this 30 is an important marker. Like a Saturn Return, it means that we have been mastered and the Harmonic Convergence has been Actualized in our reality. This is part of what we are experiencing in the Now.

vesica piscisIn Sound, when two different notes are played at the same time, they create a Third Tone, called a Harmonic. This is also how binaural beats work. We are unifying duality in the harmonic of Christ Consciousness (the Third Tone) by bridging Heaven and Earth. A Vesica Piscis illustrates this same concept. Two becoming One and forming a new Third Energy.

We are becoming One, but do not fear losing your individuality. The same way two tones are both played, but the third is created, we will each live our full, sovereign purpose and sing our clear tones together and this will create beautiful chords, known as the Harmony of the Spheres.

A guitar is tuned
By pulling and stretching strings
Into Harmony.

Allow yourself to be Tuned.
Love, Wisdom, Power
—October 4, 2017


[Header image = Public Domain
Yin Yang image: Source Unknown
Vesica Piscis image: Source Unknown]

Equinox Balancing, Heart Opening, and Divine Unions

heart opening

Equinox Balancing

The Eclipse mastered and repaired our Solar Plexus Chakra. This is the Third Chakra and associated with the 3D paradigm. It governed personal Will and Sense of Self.

With the Eclipse behind us, the tangible aspects of 3D reality are quickly falling apart. There is no longer any energy to support that way of living. Anything in our lives built around control or selfish gain will crumble.

The Equinox Gateway is open and many are already feeling this. On the Equinox, day and night are equal length and the Sun moves into Libra—the Scales that weigh the heart against the feather of Truth. With the old 3D paradigm quickly fading, we are harmonizing the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine (within and without) in a Grand Balancing of the Scales. This will bring the Global Consciousness into 4D and the Masculine and Feminine will be activating in unison for the Equinox and onward. We are slowly coming together into Oneness.

With a heavy Virgo influence during this time, we are purifying ourselves from the old world and birthing a new Paradigm of Harmony and Equality. It can be scary as we say goodbye to aspects of our lives that no longer serve, but do not be afraid! Everything that falls apart will be rebuilt in a more heart-centered way of living.

The Global Consciousness is collectively ascending into 4D, but individuals can always go higher. However, after Equinox, no one will be able to go below. Gaia is not supporting 3D and that door is closing. The old paradigm existed to explore Self as “separate” from Source–Free Will. Now we take what we have learned to 4D: Living from the Heart.

Awakening into 4D

4D is associated with the Heart Chakra. This is the strongest and largest chakra in the body and the most important. We experience a heart opening and this affects our entire view of reality. Instead of focusing on ourselves, as we did in 3D, we now learn empathy and how to connect with others from the heart for mutual gain in the Highest Good of All.

4D is the alchemical Union of Opposites. [More here.] We are being prepared for the Oneness that comes in 5D and this means all the hidden parts of ourselves must come to light and be integrated into Wholeness. This includes any past suffering, karma, trauma, past lives, shadows, and obsolete density in the body.

This stage of our evolution is challenging. The petals of the Heart Chakra open one-by-one like a Lotus Flower. Some petals are beautiful, some painful, some haggard and worn. Embrace them all and Breathe. This opening can be very painful. Trust that you are well guided by your Divine Team and endure the storms that arise.

We also have an intense stage of Shadow Mastery here. The veils of inner separation fall off, we gain awareness of the Astral Plane, and all our personal demons come to the surface. It’s not that we are suddenly plagued with Shadows or hardship, we just become aware of what has always been inside of us. We cannot blame external people or events; we realize that we are creating all of it.

Beloved Partners, Twin Flames, and Divine Unions

“When male and female combine, all things achieve harmony.” –Tao Te Ching

4D is when we meet our Beloved Partner and experience a Heart Union. With the Global Consciousness ascending into 4D, this will become the new “normal” for relationship patterns in the coming years.

Once we have unified our inner Masculine and Feminine (balancing the polarities within us and bringing them into Union), we experience the physical Union with our Beloved Partner. As within, so without.

Every Union is different and there is a lot of material out there on this. If you have not yet attracted your partner, do not fear! Focus on your inner self-work and this will strengthen your frequency. The stronger your frequency, the stronger you pull them in–like magnets! My book helps with the inner work, if you would like a step-by-step guide to getting through all of it. [link]

If you have not done your self-work, you are not ready for couples work, because the work we do with our Beloved has two Kundalini Serpents, which means it is twice as intense as a single Kundalini Serpent. This is why we must work on ourselves first. [Read more about the Kundalini here.]

Twin Flame Work

Once we are in physical union with our Beloved, we begin Twin Flame Kundalini work. This is where the word “Twin Flame” comes from. The Kundalini is the Inner Fire that crawls up the spine like a Serpent. With our Beloved, we now have Twin Flame Serpents that go back and forth between our two bodies. The two serpents move together in harmonic opposition.


It is extremely taxing and difficult to go through Union and we must be in peak stability and consciousness of Self to endure it successfully. All our strengths and weaknesses are exposed and put to the test. It is scary and some people react to suffering by running away. [This is where “Runner” and “Chaser” dynamics come from, though if you or your partner are running away, it really just means you need to focus on yourself for awhile and heal. Give it space.]

Some get hung up on this stage, because they think they are more advanced than their Beloved and try to manipulate or coach them. We are equals. We have opposite but equal gifts to share with our Beloved. Allow and accept each other for as long as it takes for the Union to be completed. (Union is ongoing, but there is a sort of completion when we reach 5D). Remember that this is lifetimes of karma and trauma being cleared and that is why we wait for our Beloved to help us through it.

We are merging into One. It is scary sometimes. Be patient! Merging with someone else means we simultaneously experience death of our solo-self and rebirth our new joined-self. It is intense. Do not expect to find your Beloved and have them solve everything. It is the opposite, though it is all for the greater good.

We merge together in Body, Mind, and Spirit. Anything that does not suit the Union has to go. Triggers and uncomfortable situations arise to force us to release all the old dense energies from this lifetime and any past lives/residual timelines. We trigger and stir up all the trauma and shadows that we did not want to deal with and we have to go through it, while experiencing a personal death of self, rebirth of a new self, and experiencing all of our partner’s darkest traumas and shadows. Stay with them through all the hardships and you will find your bond growing stronger and stronger until you are unbeatable!

Remember that you are One with your Beloved. Anything you give to them, you are giving to yourself. This is Unconditional Love–knowing your partner as yourself.

When we are drained and exhausted, the last thing we want to do is provide endless love and support to someone else. Yet, this is when it is the most important. It opens the Heart Chakra, which is what 4D is all about. Once the Heart Chakra is fully open and in Union, we are ready for 5D Oneness.

Please Note: Beloved Partnerships are completely different than any relationship we have in 3D. We come together for a joint Mission–it is all about the Mission! The best tip I can give you is to keep your Mind out of it. Let your Heart tell you what is happening in your own Union. Ignore everyone else. Your Union is between the two of you alone [all-one] and it is very special.

So much love to you in your Divine Journey!
Love, Wisdom, Power

–September 21, 2017

[Header Image: Public Domain.
Dragon Image: Source Unknown.]