2023 : The Great Renewal : Year of the Rabbit

[Follow The Rabbit : Karen Neverland]


Oct 30 – Jan 12, 2023 : Mars Retrograde in Gemini/Taurus
Dec 29 – Jan 18, 2023 : Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn/Sagittarius
January 17, 2023 : Saturn into Aquarius

Mars & Mercury Retrogrades

We begin 2023 with both Mercury and Mars retrograde. It’s not the best time for new year’s resolutions, and you might want to wait a couple weeks before making plans for the year. Mars is detriment in Venus-ruled Taurus. It has been bringing up repressed emotions such as rage, sadness, and frustration to heal and clear old wounds during this retrograde. With Mercury retrograde on top of it, expect miscommunications and further Tower-collapsing type moments to release old paradigms and paths that are not working. It isn’t a good time to build or lay foundation. It’s more about closure and endings. However, Mercury and Mars retrograde are a good time to focus on personal goals, self, healing, health, and well-being.

Mercury Retrograde begins on December 29, 2022, conjunct Venus at 0° Capricorn. Last year on this exact same date of December 29, 2021, Venus and Mercury were also conjunct at the exact same degree of 0° Capricorn, except last year Venus was retrograde instead of Mercury. Pluto is pretty close in the conjunction both years. Expect some reversals in situations from Dec 29, 2021 and new beginnings. Fresh starts on situations that you thought were over, including relationships, jobs, home, and finances. You may get a second shot at something that seemed to have ended, or perhaps it will reboot in a way that is different and more fortunate, or you have gained some much needed perspective. These rebirths are in major life themes. We don’t often get a chance at redemption, renewal, or a second chance, but many will be offered these types of opportunities that take us in a totally new direction.

Saturn Ingress Aquarius

Saturn will ingress to Aquarius on January 17, 2023. It has been in Capricorn since January 23, 2020, (except in Aquarius briefly from April 28 – July 12, 2022). Many have been in an intense period of self-mastery and isolation for the past three years, working on themselves and/or developing their craft. The energy will loosen up as Saturn enters Aquarius, shifting from Earth to Air. Aquarius is Fixed Air and ruled by Saturn, so it’s still an intense energy for the next couple years of this transit.

In contrast to Capricorn that is ridged in its work with focus and internal pressure on ourselves, Aquarius is much more open to change with out-of-the-box thinking. If you have felt stuck in cement and unable to find direction, Saturn in Aquarius will help to find the solution. To those dealing with intense inner shadow work, the path is about to free up so you can move forward. For others, Aquarius will force changes and growth that may be quite unsettling. If you have felt lost, take a look at what you have been doing the past three years and see if it is somehow related to your purpose or a skill needed for it.

Saturn in Aquarius is going to shake things up, and the solutions might not be the way you anticipate. It’s about to change in a big way, as we let go of the past three years. The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 2020, along with the major Pluto conjunctions that year, were the end of an era. We have been in an intense period of closing out, mastery, and inner work since then. With Saturn’s transit to Aquarius, it will feel as if all this can finally release and we can move forward into new timelines.

It’s difficult to understand how much has changed internally when the physical world is not reflecting it accurately. This past few years has made you stronger than you know, and you’re about to find out exactly how much you have grown.

Year Of The Rabbit

It is a strange way to start the new year, but by January 18, 2023 when Mercury stations direct, followed by Uranus direct on January 22, all the planets will be in forward motion. It will be time to hit the ground running. Obstacles will be removed and swift progress will be possible. There will be some large revelations and clarity between now and then, so don’t expect yourself to have the whole plan ready to go yet.

By the end of January, it will be much more clear what directions we need to go in. Get yourself healthy, strong, and mentally prepared to gear up and get into something new. It’s going to be time to put in work with strong forward momentum. There are some backed-up manifestations ready to come forth from the Divine, so don’t be too ridged in your expectations.

2023 will be a time of renewal and growth, and there is much to look forward to. May you all have a beautiful year in the Year of the Water Rabbit. Good luck, blessings, and abundance to you.

love wisdom power

Happy New Year!
Love, Wisdom, and Power
Karen Neverland
—December 27, 2022

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Winter Solstice the Final Showdown : December Astrology

[Return of the Light : Karen Neverland]

Gemini Full Moon : The Final Showdown

We are kicking off a powerful period of transition with Gemini Full Moon on Dec 18. This lunar month began with Solar Eclipse on Dec 4, so expect some powerful endings and new beginnings. As the Moon wanes to New Moon in Sagittarius on Jan 2 (Sidereal), it is a period of darkness to prepare for Rebirth.

Gemini is the Twins, a sign that represents shadow integration and polar opposites. Many are just beginning an intense chapter of becoming aware of their own unconscious mind. This will be difficult for much of the Collective, but there are many Lightworkers already in place and ready to aid this final wave of awakening.

The polar opposite of this darkness is some beautiful Light coming in for those who have long been on the path. Some are already meeting and connecting with their True Love, and there will be many shifts on the global scale initiated by this Full Moon to aid these souls in coming together in the physical and beginning new timelines through 2022.

Venus, Mars, and Chiron : Deep Healing And Transcendence

Sidereal Astrology Dates
Venus Retrograde: Dec 19 – Jan 29
–Capricorn Rx: Dec 19 – Dec 29
–Sagittarius Rx: Dec 29 – Jan 29
Chiron Direct in Pisces: Dec 19
Mars in Scorpio: Dec 4 – Jan 16

This Venus Retrograde begins while conjunct Pluto, and the Sun conjunct the Galactic Center–Womb of the Great Mother. Chiron will also station Direct in Pisces the same day. This is a period of shadow integration and deep healing for those entering the 5D New Earth. These karmic and shadow energies cannot get through the Gate and must be healed and processed internally to get through.

At the same time as this Venus Retrograde, Mars will be in home sign of Scorpio. Venus Rx and Mercury will both conjunct Pluto this month as well (also a ruler of Scorpio). These are heavy themes with shadow, personal limitations on power, sovereignty, and overcoming our greatest fears. Expect this for the duration of the Venus Retrograde, though it will be most intense through Christmas, which will be a day of Transcendence for many.

Solstice 12/21/21 : Dark Night to Christ Light

We began the Global Ascension to 5D New Earth nine years ago on December 21, 2012. These years have been difficult as we cleared out what was needed to release the 3D Earth and transition to the New. This process completes on Winter Solstice–12/21/21. The number 21 is The World card in Tarot, the last of the Major Arcana. This is the closing of the 3D Earth as the final ascension wave goes into their Dark Night of the Soul (4D).

There will be many working through intense fears and projecting them onto the world stage. It is a time best used to go internal and focus on your own journey, just like a Bear going into Hibernation for the winter. Try not to be distracted by the stories being told by others. Very little of what is on the media is a true story of what is occurring. There will be much collapsing, but trust that it is all things that need to go. Sometimes we cannot see the whole picture and it’s hard to understand, but there is a Divine Plan in effect.

By Christmas, the Light will have symbolically and literally returned, sparking a powerful awakening, resurrection, and birth of new mindsets, creativity, and innovation. This period of awakening will continue through 2022, and the final 5D wave will begin in their new timelines by Spring Equinox.

While most will be in a period of deep integration, the initial ascension waves that began in 2012 are reaching completion with these themes and are fully ready to move into new positions and roles. There are some amazing blessings coming in for these ascension pioneers, and so much to be excited for.

2022 is a massive shift in the Global Consciousness and all is truly well. Take care this winter. Focus on your own tribe and personal inner work, and trust your path. Love has already won.

love wisdom power

Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power

Karen Neverland
–December 17, 2021

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Creative Revival : Astrology and Eclipses 2021

[Bee and Desert Flower : Karen Neverland]

Launch Point : Eclipses

We are entering a powerful Eclipse Gateway to launch many into their new paths. The eclipse window lasts from Lunar Eclipse on November 19 until Solar Eclipse on December 4. It brings increased DNA and Kundalini activations, final closure and endings, and new beginnings.

These are the last Taurus/Scorpio eclipses (Sidereal) before the nodes shift, so expect a culmination and climax to shadow and self-worth themes that have been coming up. It has been a deep journey of inner work with this nodal transit, so this last set of eclipses will be volatile and powerful. The nodes enter Aries/Libra on April 12, 2022.

We are already seeing eclipse themes presenting as New Moon on November 4 opposing Uranus brought sudden insights, powerful shifts in relationships, and deep, soul alchemy. Many are waking up in a new way through Winter Solstice, and these eclipses serve as a radical shift to prepare us for the Light Influxes that will come in 2022. Mercury is out of retrograde shadow, and most planets are direct until December. Now is the time to put away the past and move forward.

Creative Revival : Jupiter and Venus

Jupiter goes into Aquarius (S) on November 20 to jump start the eclipse window and spark new energy for innovation and projects. Jupiter finishing its journey of Capricorn is a large completion of karma, making a strong Resurrection as it goes into Aquarius. For many this is their birth into the 5D+ New Earth: work, finance, home, relationships, networks, and projects are all on the table for a reboot or major shift.

Venus and Juno are in Sagittarius (S) now, and just passed over the Galactic Center. This is powerful, fiery, creative energy for the Divine Feminine (the Feminine side of everyone.) This along with Jupiter in Aquarius will usher in a Renaissance for New Earth.

Many are going through or about to have a strong creative revival. This burst of creative and passionate energy will get our new timelines moving, but don’t waste it! While we don’t have to force our path, it does require heart-centered awareness, effort, and self-discipline. Make the most of this energy until Venus retrogrades on December 19 in early Capricorn back into Sagittarius. Learn to set small, achievable goals, and be gentle with yourself and others.

New Earth Renaissance

It’s all coming online in a big way. Get your ducks in a row, because once these shifts start they are going to be lightning speed. The difficulty for the end of 2021 into 2022 will be dealing with overwhelm after such a long period of Zero Point, inner work, and stagnation. We will see radical shifts in our world heading into 2022. Stay grounded in your own path.

After the dark comes the dawn. As many emerge from cocoons, caves, and isolation, this New energy is a Resurrection into a New Life. It is very much like a dark age into a Renaissance. The lower timelines may continue to be distracting as they fight on their way out, but All Is Well. Stay focused on what you are creating. This is a long-term transition, so don’t burn yourself out going too hard too fast. Slow and steady.

Have a blessed Eclipse!

love wisdom power

Follow your own inner guidance.
Love, Wisdom, and Power

Karen Neverland

–November 11, 2021

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2020 Astrology Summary : Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto : Great Conjunction

2020 Awakening

2020 is a powerful year of transitions. We have both Venus and Mars Retrogrades this year, three conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto due to Retrogrades, and a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. We are not even into the most intense part of this year astrologically, so be patient as everything is aligning in Divine Timing.

The retrogrades of Venus and Mars this year serve to evolve the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine archetypes to prepare for a new trajectory. We already had the Venus retrograde in May-June, which was significant as it was in the same degrees as the Venus retrograde of 2012 (due to the 8 year cycle of Venus). We also had an eclipse at nearly the same degree as 2012, so a lot of repeating themes from that time.

We are currently in the Mars retrograde pre-shadow, and it is due to Retrograde on 9/9-11/13. This will bring a powerful awakening for the Divine Masculine energy on the planet. Remember that when we say “Divine Masculine” it is not referring to “men”, but to the masculine side that is in every one of us.

Great Conjunction

[Image of Great Conjunction from Wikipedia]

The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occurs every 20 years, returning to the vicinity of the first every 60 years. It always brings key timeline shifts and massive awakening on the world stage. It is believed by some that the Star of Bethlehem was a Great Conjunction.

Years of the most recent Great Conjunctions:

Due to the amazing regularity of the Great Conjunction, it returns to the same approximate degree every 60 years. The Dec 21, 2020 conjunction will occur only 5° from the Great Conjunction of Feb 18, 1961! Expect repeating themes from then, and closing out of timelines that began.

Notable Events from 1961:
Princess Diana born
JFK inaugurated as president
Berlin Wall begins construction
First Man in space
U.S. Peace Corp. established
Nelson Mandela acquitted of treason

Pluto Conjunctions

We started 2020 with a January 12 conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. This was a long forecasted event by many astrologers and initiated a critical shift in our timeline trajectory for this entire year. We have experienced this with the global pandemic shutting down much of what we considered to be stable and permanent, amongst many other powerful shifts that serve to shake us awake. It is a Call to Awaken and Transition.

Not only did we have a Pluto and Saturn conjunction, we also have Jupiter Pluto conjunctions this year! Jupiter and Pluto conjunct three times in 2020, due to retrogrades. We have already passed the first two, but expect a big conclusion in November of these energies for the final conjunction.

4/4: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct
6/29: Jupiter and Pluto both Retrograding
11/12: Jupiter and Pluto traveling Direct

With Jupiter expanding the dark fears and desires of Pluto, it shines a light on what is hidden, unknown, unseen, and unconscious. These fears have always been there, but this year we have a chance to look at them, process, and heal our shadows to transform the structure of our world.


I hope that this article helps calm the fears and emotional energy that is stirring in our collective consciousness. These are powerful conjunctions to initiate us into the New Age, and that means we are called upon to step into our Power and actualize our Soul’s Calling. All is serving to align us to higher timelines, but the process of transition is always messy. Trust that there is a Divine Plan in your life, and all is truly well. Listen to your heart and tune out the chatter, and you will always be where you need to be.

love wisdom power

Blessings to You in this Powerful Time.
Karen Neverland
–August 14, 2020

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